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Corey307 t1_j1mffqo wrote

Same problem here, I’ve had to remind them twice that my power line got torn off my house and is lying in the snow. The neighborhood has power, my neighbor and I aren’t hooked up.


whaletacochamp t1_j1ngmt4 wrote

Well that’s rhe issue. They’re saying that your service has power, not that your service is connected to your house. But absolutely still worthwhile to let them know.


Corey307 t1_j1nisbg wrote

I get you the problem is they seem to think I have power and I’ve had to explain a few times that the power line is down. Really hoping it’s fixed by tonight, don’t want to pay for another night at a hotel.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j1r6v2z wrote

The part of the line that’s in your property is maintained by you, not them.


Corey307 t1_j1rokta wrote

Well guess I’ll owe them some $$$ since they fixed it. Glad I always have emergency funds that aside.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j1rrjnn wrote

They were being nice to you. If you lived anywhere else they would have told you to fuck off and stop reporting your own problem.


Corey307 t1_j1s3jbk wrote

I don’t know why you’re being an asshole about it, I told them I’d pay if I needed to. It’s not like I was blaming the power company for 70 mph winds or my line being down, I was just hoping they would fix it.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j1wte4v wrote

Stop talking back to me asshole.


Corey307 t1_j1wumjp wrote

So you ran your mouth and expected to have the last word and now you’re complaining about it, congratulations you’re an asshole.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j1wwem1 wrote

Grow up


Corey307 t1_j1x1z68 wrote

Way ahead of you kid, the gray in my beard proves that.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j1yldx8 wrote

Ok boomer you can go complain to somebody else today


Corey307 t1_j1zbabu wrote

I never complained child, I talked about something that happened in my life and you’re the only one that got offended. And I’m gen X sweetheart.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j20gu78 wrote

You’re a fucking psycho please leave me alone. Stop messaging me. This is harassment