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BooksNCats11 t1_j0mvolj wrote

Honestly this one amuses me if only because I cannot imagine the driver of this truck thinks this means the same thing that my brain interprets it as.


LenVT t1_j0mwp3a wrote

It’s kind of a self-own.


skudak t1_j0nmsoh wrote

My favorite is one I saw on Claremont. It was Calvin pissing on the words "fuck Biden". Like, usually Calvin is pissing on things you DON'T like, like Ford or Chevy, so is he saying he doesn't like people that say "fuck Biden"?


LanceFree t1_j0nxage wrote

I wear a shirt with an image which indicates No coat hangers, and both sides agree with it.


filmgeekvt t1_j0plob1 wrote

"Let's make abortion legal so we don't need to use coat hangers!"


"Let's make abortion illegal, including via coat hangers!"

That second one feels more like a stretch though. I imagine you are politically aligned with the first.


DamonKatze t1_j0posc5 wrote

Biden isn't the one I'd think of if someone were to depict a president getting pissed on...


paulda321 t1_j0peypr wrote

I saw that one with one of the “I did that” stickers pointing at it and I was pretty confused at what he was going for.


Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j0my9ee wrote

Cracks me up too. I mean honestly, fuck joe Biden (really fuck all politicians) but not like that. 😂
