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Twombls t1_j0mtyrf wrote

Person in rural America has conservative political beliefs. I for one am shocked!

Edit im fucking dumb. I just realized the meaning of this post. At first I thought it was another "not a jacked up truck with a trunp sticker in my vermont" post.


BooksNCats11 t1_j0mvolj wrote

Honestly this one amuses me if only because I cannot imagine the driver of this truck thinks this means the same thing that my brain interprets it as.


random_vermonter t1_j0mw685 wrote

You can tell when someone has only a HS education when they think it's acceptable to display stickers like this. Trashy AF and not sure what they're trying to prove.


random_vermonter t1_j0mwz4x wrote

Well for one thing, I don't display trashy stickers on my vehicle or wear shirts with trashy messages like the rest of the mouth-breathing 45 worshipers. That alone is enough to make me better than them if you ignore education level. ;)


ratamadiddle t1_j0mzy3w wrote

I mean some people just love their president.


quinnbeast t1_j0n3utn wrote

Education is at fault. These dolts know so little about policy they have no clue it’s the GOP pricks in congress who are really fucking them over.


Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_j0n4wca wrote

I am not the biggest fan of politicians, but I sleep easier with him in the White House. It feels so much less tense with Biden. No one is at each other’s throats as much.


Stockmom42 t1_j0n53a1 wrote

Graduating from higher education institutions doesn’t have any reflection on your practical life skills or common sense. Tons of people graduate and still loudly don’t understand the world around them. Memorization skills are all you need to graduate. Like your comment, wildly ignorant and classiest. Please do better.


Twombls t1_j0n5eot wrote

Yeah thats why I dont really get the point of this post. I see like 10 of these mouthbreathers a day.

This kind of post just gets them the attention they want and feeds their delusions


CloudStrife012 t1_j0n5y22 wrote

I agree that the sticker is crass but it's unreasonable (albeit palatable) to assume that everyone who doesn't share your opinions only thinks that way because they are of inferior intelligence. People can have different opinions. No amount of "educating" them is going to work to achieve what you want.


bluepied t1_j0n8mvy wrote

I can get stickers on cars to show your political support/dislike (not a fan of this particular one) but what totally baffles me are people that proudly fly flags in front of their house or behind their truck…this never existed prior to Trump/Biden. Can you imagine our parents flying a Bush or Clinton flag back in the day?


fergal-dude t1_j0n8sju wrote

I’ll just lump this in with all the other bozo ‘fuck whatever’ stickers on their car. Low class. Have a little care about kids reading that. I’ll also judge these people freely, it’s like they want you to by displaying something like that so proudly.


ericerikkedod t1_j0n9mok wrote

But it's really funny trying to explain Vermont politics to people from California and Texas. We're one of the top 5 bluest states in the country by all metrics, but we're the second most rural state, and our Republican governor was so popular in the last cycle that the Dems basically didn't fund a campaign against him. We definitely have Confederate flag waving idiots in the sticks like everyone else does, but driving over into Northern New York and New Hampshire makes it clear that it's nothing compared to a lot of rural America.


lantonas t1_j0n9v2k wrote

Look at this guy taking pictures while driving.


MonCountyMan t1_j0na8k2 wrote

He is kinda cute, but he is married.


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_j0nc0v6 wrote

They’re such babies. Wah someone beat your hero in a fair race wah wah call a wambulance.


hideous-boy t1_j0ne1bc wrote

are you also the kind of person who looks at Ivy Leagues and thinks "wow it's so exclusive and expensive to go there so everyone must be smart" when really those schools are just diploma mills for the elite

you can make fun of a trashy sticker without immediately relating it to not going to college. So many people don't go to college. Many can't afford it or can't make the time because they're working class and caring for families. There are so so many people out there who are smarter than half the dumbfucks who go to college but they'll never have that chance.


random_vermonter t1_j0ne3wf wrote

>are you also the kind of person who looks at Ivy Leagues and thinks "wow it's so exclusive and expensive to go there so everyone must be smart" when really those schools are just diploma mills for the elite



waitsfieldjon t1_j0nea2u wrote

Junction of 100 and Route 2 in Moretown.


tyguyS4 t1_j0nh8pb wrote

When I was kid, which wasn't all that long ago, seeing the word "fuck" out in public usually meant some edgy 13 year old got their hands on a can of spray paint. Those kids grew up to form their whole political views around one man's personality.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0nj1mw wrote

What does this have to do with Vermont other than the license plate. Keep this shit in /politics or somewhere else.


skudak t1_j0nmsoh wrote

My favorite is one I saw on Claremont. It was Calvin pissing on the words "fuck Biden". Like, usually Calvin is pissing on things you DON'T like, like Ford or Chevy, so is he saying he doesn't like people that say "fuck Biden"?


BrendanTFirefly t1_j0nnqzm wrote

"Let's Fuck Brandon" or whatever it is these people say.


fergal-dude t1_j0nnx1w wrote

Do we have to choose? Obviously you can put whatever you want on your car, but let’s think about other people. Sometimes it’s necessary to push boundaries, sometimes it’s just tasteless. More and more often, tasteless seems to be chosen.


CaptiveWeasel t1_j0npx98 wrote

Well, hes a hugger. And a hair sniffer. Hes probably down for whatever. This dude should hit him up, might go all the way.


FyuckerFjord t1_j0nt4r7 wrote

The chef's kiss is the "goes both ways" sign staring the guy in the face. Welcome to the bi den.


Maleficent_Rope_7844 t1_j0nto2y wrote

It's not that it "just takes memorization", graduating college is not particularly easy. It's just that college is a specialization in a very specific thing.

That particular thing is unrelated to many everyday things.


[deleted] t1_j0nu02p wrote

Fuck Biden u hicks


Room07 t1_j0nzhw6 wrote

Baby steps. Wait till they get a SieRrA. 🤡


somedudevt t1_j0o1kt6 wrote

A matter of class? How so? As a Child Free person who grew up swearing, I don’t get the reason why we give 2 fucks if kids use the full English language. It’s moronic to pretend that they won’t swear, and you would be hard pressed to find an adult who never does, so what’s the point of sheltering the little air breathers from it?

Worth noting studies have shown that people who swear are both statistically more intelligent, and happier than those who don’t. So why do you want to raise unhappy idiots?


Vermonter623 t1_j0o23hy wrote

I think maybe you are looking at this sticker wrong. Maybe Jeff Tiedrich moved to Vermont. He LOVES Biden so..


newenglandsouth t1_j0o2qyh wrote

It should really read more along the lines of “Biden fucks the United States”…so I agree the sticker is humorous but a bit misleading


MijnAmor t1_j0o5d77 wrote

Him and about 250 million other Americans


kthxba1 t1_j0o6zre wrote

Dry humpin’ Biden


Kmar820 t1_j0o7x9r wrote

I'm not at a a trump fan nor am I a Biden fan...but it always makes me wonder how either side can say things like this and not see the irony. Did the left not have a temper tantrum in 2016? Both sides act like children when things don't go their way yet they get such joy out of pointing out how the other side did the same exact thing. I don't remember when things got so mean and personal. It was before trump. But I remember my parents having parties in the 70's where politics where hotly debated yet at the end of the night hands were shook and friendships continue. Now...idk it's sad to see families torn apart and life long friendships ended over politics. I have a feeling this won't be a popular opinion but things were much better not that long ago. We can all have different opinions but all the name calling and craziness that is thrown both ways is just really sad to me. I hope all reading this have a happy, safe and healthy holiday.


MerillWarden t1_j0obmwv wrote

Guess they like it better than Trump grabbing 'em by the pussy


fergal-dude t1_j0odjez wrote

Sounds like your mind is made up, I’m not interested in changing it. I will say that children will be exposed to many things, but there are still quite a few thing I won’t discuss or expose them to personally. Children reading that stuff was a silly little detail I added, which I apparently shouldn’t have as it’s derailed the discussion.


fergal-dude t1_j0of20y wrote

Perhaps in the seventies ‘fuck you’ flags and ‘fuck you’ bumperstickers and ‘fuck your feelings’ shorts weren’t popular? I don’t remember any. Maybe mainstreaming that type of behavior has an effect on the discourse? Maybe blaming cheating in elections has an effect on discourse? More people should stand up for the truth, whether it’s to their advantage or not.


nobody-yesbuddy t1_j0ofyo9 wrote

Personally I don’t find him attractive but I’m not going to judge.


lightning_felix t1_j0oiebp wrote

Thinking about it keeps him up at night... Until it suddenly makes him very sleepy.


uncertain_demise t1_j0oo1ix wrote

i like to imagine this person hates him and means to say “fuck biden”


DirtyD0nut t1_j0ovntg wrote

This is a great lesson in graphic design. Something about using visual hierarchy to convey the right meaning

Edit: typo


Fromage_Damage t1_j0ozts5 wrote

This guy, Biden, and Brandon should just rent a room at the Holiday Inn and have a 3 way already. Let's go Brandon, I finna fuck.


uniquinP t1_j0p3wzj wrote

Better than the president having a thing for sniffing little girls.


Kmar820 t1_j0p882n wrote

No they really did not. It was a mix and things did get heated. It just didn't ruin friendships to have different opinions. As someone else said it's about respecting a person's opinion even if your don't agree. You can talk and debate but it doesn't have to turn into name calling and my way or the highway. Today people on both sides are not capable of even hearing a point of view they disagree with. To me it's sad.


odds_get_evened t1_j0pc0au wrote

the more I visit VT the more I feel like it fell off of WV and floated northeast.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0pccvg wrote

No shit. But there is nothing of substance in there except to attempt to bring the fact some Vermonters vote R and some D up. People have different politics. The post was a stupid attempt to harvest karma and should be posted to places those types of garbage takes are appreciated.


Ok-Glass7272 t1_j0pcj0c wrote

As far as I can tell they aren't selling. I went to the site - for amusement purposes - literally, minutes after it went live and there are/were "SOLD OUT" buttons all over it. Click on the button and it brings you back to exactly where you were, the home page. Then read all the fine print about "sold out". It's flipping hilarious. Then, of course, read all the disclaimers about the lack of value of the NFTs and the "alternate prizes". Trump may make some money off this new(est) scam but his primary opponents (if he makes it that far) are going to beat him like a gong with this stunt.

Get your popcorn ready.


ties__shoes t1_j0pfk0m wrote

Has anyone considered they may have a sexual attraction to the letter B?


KjB320 t1_j0pl7nx wrote

You liberals really are incredibly dumb and naive.


filmgeekvt t1_j0plob1 wrote

"Let's make abortion legal so we don't need to use coat hangers!"


"Let's make abortion illegal, including via coat hangers!"

That second one feels more like a stretch though. I imagine you are politically aligned with the first.


smokeythemechanic t1_j0pnrae wrote

Just like all of the impeach trump and orange man bad that went on last round, too bad we only elect people affiliated with Republicans and Democrats.


herewegoinvt t1_j0ps1ed wrote

I translate this as "Ridin Biden" - sticking with him through the hard times and good times


BioGeek2012 t1_j0psm1i wrote

I interpret this a F**k Biden, so anti Biden, Problem with cutesy images is they are subject to interpretation and are ambiguous. Does this guy Likr Biden? Have a sexy thing for 80 year old dudes? Hate the Prez? Who knows.


lambaghetti t1_j0ptu59 wrote

I bet this plum of a human also cries about drag queens sexualizing children.


smokeythemechanic t1_j0pw8pj wrote

The slew of political stickers while they contain different ideas are an equal but opposite response every time we switch the current group in charge. The left likes to think they own the moral high ground especially on Reddit, when in reality everyone voting for Democrats or Republicans are equally voting for more of the same corruption and collusion we have had for nearly a century while pointing at the other half voting for more of the same bs.


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_j0pwr0j wrote

I hear you. I feel like both sides engage in the same game of outrage/extremism/cancel culture/virtue signaling. They just call it different things and point the finger at the other side. Everything is identity politics these days. I’m on neither side and find everything so absurd.


captainogbleedmore t1_j0q0e8s wrote

Felt the same coming from GA. VT is so much like places in the South except for the lack of diversity, so instead of racism (which there still is a lot of) the classism is more apparent. Generally I think the people that think that VT isn't like the South or vice versa just haven't traveled enough. N Ga and parts of SC and NC are indistinguishable from here.


smokeythemechanic t1_j0q4aie wrote

It's nihilism to be unwilling to keep doing the same exact thing and hoping for a better outcome?

From my perspective I have hope for something better and I'm not doing the insane thing of thinking two groups proven to collude against the population for literally a century are the answer to anything getting better at all. Like pay fucking attention to the world around you, read world history from the view points of the oppressed populations and the oppressors, and get a grip on reality not a narrative, both blue and red love their controlled narrative not the explicit truth.


chesbyiii t1_j0q4zk2 wrote

Biden thanks him for his services.


BobDope t1_j0q8oyx wrote

He’s giving Biden a big hug!


Last_Bluebird_4004 t1_j0qittf wrote

I think it is relevant to notice. The more fearful people become, the greater the reliance on " Tribal Thinking". In this country and probably among humans in general, we are less and less confident that our needs will be met. The divide between haves and have-nots continues to grow, and higher- ordered thinking takes a back seat to fight-or-flight. Sadly, we just make life harder for each other, and while we're busy doing so, the powers that be make it harder still. Nobody is secure until everybody is secure.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0r2ayl wrote

> Worth noting studies have shown that people who swear are both statistically more intelligent, and happier than those who don’t.

As someone who swears like a sailor at times, I had never bothered to look this up. Now that I have I will bust out the various studies when people tell me to watch my language.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0r2m8e wrote

> assume that everyone who doesn't share your opinions only thinks that way because they are of inferior intelligence

This is literally the Reddit moderation and voting system. Your post and soon mine being downvoted are proof. Want further proof, post fuck drumpf in /politics or fuck Biden in /conservative.


odds_get_evened t1_j0r4k65 wrote

on top of that a lot of towns that used to be picturesque towns with nice restaurants and antique stores now look like drug dens and ghettoes. have you seen Bennington lately? it's sad. it used to be such a nice town. so many addicts, homeless people, and way too many FUCK BIDEN flags all over the place. i miss the old VT. i also lived in MS and SC for a total of a decade, those places didn't wholly reflect VT today, but I'm sure there are parts.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j0rplgz wrote

This sub is the worst. So much hate. Bet not a single one of you would ever ever say anything in person to this guy or gal. Enjoy your hate fest fools.


MarkVII88 t1_j0s0qzm wrote

Why bother to obscure the license plate?


smokeythemechanic t1_j0sc95o wrote

Progress hasn't happened, the general population has lost ground especially since your generation started voting almost 40 years ago. At least then there were still 3 parties at debates, now because of people like you we have less of a chance of anything actually progressing towards a better future. And clearly you haven't been paying attention in recent years either, between the massive civil unrest with racial injustice and then at almost the same time a major almost insurrection and coup from the opposite side means we are about to face civil war due to the entrenched division created by the two parties of identity politics you all have voted for and want.


Dull_Blacksmith_5007 t1_j1etcgg wrote

did i mention who i voted for? No, so you do not know. Btw youve never been to China (i have--lived there for years) or you'd know its not "communist:". I will say one thing--you magats are the scummiest scum on earth. Period. I have a strong hunch YOU are the one who is a child molester (you insinuate that since Biden likes having children on his lap that he is one). btw if i ever meet you in person ill drop you on your ass so fast your head will spin.


uniquinP t1_j1fjffi wrote

Wow, talk about ignorance. Fyi, I'm not MAGA and I don't think trump should run again, Mr. Smarty-pants. IDGAF who you voted for. From your response I can see you are filled with hate and just like the Democratic party, you want only more division. You strive for it. I want the people in our government to be the best person for the job in regards to OUR COUNTRY. I want our civil servants, to act as such. With the best interest of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Even you, some keyboard warrior who wants to threaten people over the internet. In my opinion Biden has done nothing good for this country, NOTHING! So go shove your opinion where Biden can sniff it.