Unique-Public-8594 t1_j25jwot wrote
Would like to see Vermont stay rural and uncrowded.
Massachusetts, you can keep the traffic, billboards, strip malls, and subdivisions. Please.
BudsKind802 t1_j25pyaw wrote
There's smart growth, which aims to concentrate growth in city/town centers and preserve the rural characteristics as much as possible.
And then there's zero growth, where for every baby born or out of state relocations, someone will be executed according to a lottery like in that short story, I think it was called PowerBalls or something like that.
Golfoneway95 OP t1_j260p2h wrote
Nothing wrong with that! What’s amazing is that VT is actually 30th in population density in the US even though it has the smallest city that’s the largest in the state.
5teerPike t1_j264rou wrote
Have you been anywhere else besides Boston? And who said they'd put up more billboards if more people were here?
Golfoneway95 OP t1_j266uak wrote
I live in Franklin County. The poorest county in the Commonwealth. Much more like VT than Boston.
5teerPike t1_j267ffc wrote
So what are your thoughts on areas like Stockbridge? That reminds me a little more of VT imo
-_Stove_- t1_j290jlo wrote
Did you read the post?
5teerPike t1_j29fwqx wrote
I did. What does being slightly more populated as the second least populated state in the whole country have to do with billboards?
It's not fine the way it is. Preservation is being confused with doing nothing and it's not working
Edit: also I actually live in this state!
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