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Nutmegdog1959 t1_j1w6wls wrote

Or you can do what most people do now. Say fuck it! I'm not spending $800 for mindless repairs on an $800 car. Spend your money on brakes, tires, windshield wipers and oil changes.

My Subaru's have patches on the dog legs (over rear wheel wells) made from stainless steel serving trays I got at Goodwill. I riveted them on and patched with JB Weld. Cost $10 took me 20 minutes.

Patched the muffler with JB Weld and aluminum flashing held in place with a giant hose clamp.


RibbonForYourHair t1_j1wwy6g wrote

I failed inspection for rust holes in the same spot on my Subaru when I was in college. Patched it up with Bondo and PBR cans.