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-PineMarten t1_j18difo wrote

Take the negativity elsewhere. Insulting peoples dogs is asinine.


[deleted] t1_j18h79g wrote



-PineMarten t1_j18kzl4 wrote

Attacking people and their dogs is a pathetic past time. Don’t like people enjoying themselves? You should probably cry about it.


SarahDrish t1_j18n4wv wrote

This sub is supposed to be about the state of Vermont, not freaking DOGS! And if these losers consider allowing their filthy fleabags to defile the snow "enjoying themselves," they're no better than their ugly, environment-destroying beasts!

Edit: The lying troll u/-PineMarten blocked me after falsely claiming all the dog photos posted in this forum are "Vermont dogs, in Vermont" -- they aren't.


-PineMarten t1_j18rxui wrote

Its Vermont dogs, in Vermont, enjoying Vermont snow. Quit calling people losers when you spend all your time making degrading comments about animals that don’t care what you have to say. You are the definition of a loser.