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Faerhun t1_j17aa6o wrote

Ah yeah, f'ing Border Collies are the best. That looks like one good boy/girl. Got a BC/Lab Mix and she's the greatest.


SarahDrish t1_j17iyba wrote

That fleabag looks like it just peed on an electric fence.


YourAverageCracker t1_j18a2wi wrote

These posts are 100% on you. And they will continue just to spite you and other people like you. If you had just ignored the first dog post there probably wouldn't have been any more of them. But here we are and we will continue to upvote them.


-PineMarten t1_j18dpys wrote

You’ve devoted your entire existence to hating on dogs who don’t give a shit. Quit the negativity, this isn’t going to stop because you continue to egg it on. If you stopped, I’m sure these would start to die off.


TraceurSpoon t1_j18f6zc wrote

That dog looks both adorable, and insane XD


SarahDrish t1_j18n4wv wrote

This sub is supposed to be about the state of Vermont, not freaking DOGS! And if these losers consider allowing their filthy fleabags to defile the snow "enjoying themselves," they're no better than their ugly, environment-destroying beasts!

Edit: The lying troll u/-PineMarten blocked me after falsely claiming all the dog photos posted in this forum are "Vermont dogs, in Vermont" -- they aren't.


-PineMarten t1_j18rxui wrote

Its Vermont dogs, in Vermont, enjoying Vermont snow. Quit calling people losers when you spend all your time making degrading comments about animals that don’t care what you have to say. You are the definition of a loser.


NoPunNintendo t1_j19klti wrote

Yes. We're not doing ridiculously good-looking snow dogs, though.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j1a8lu9 wrote

My father in law has a 60 lb'er. Dog is absolutely amazing but holy shit neurotic. He was 'normal'.....until....he herded the horses and he got kicked in the head.

Now he is obsessed with watching nature shows on tv. Anything about New England wildlife and squirrels.

I thought my Springer was weird....but he cant hold a candle to Moses. Unreal smarts to the point of insanity.

Literally searches the house for TV shows he likes.