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canter22 t1_j23wq19 wrote

I’ve driven through Vermont… very Vermonty.


edave22 t1_j23wv6r wrote

I mean… it’s not wrong


axsnyder t1_j23x448 wrote

Bob Ross met a photographer in Stowe.


FFifoFFum t1_j23x92u wrote

It also looks like Harper's Ferry, WV.


amoebashephard t1_j23yme2 wrote

The only thing it's missing are all the fingers we have


zisnotabird t1_j23zx6x wrote

That’s a lot of churches in one little area


MYrobouros t1_j240j7x wrote

I think I bought this painting at a thrift shop in Bellows Falls


lanphear7 t1_j243ics wrote

Funny. Looks like my hometowns church.


browsing_around t1_j243xc8 wrote

This is quite accurate to the town I grew up in down around south central Vermont. I present to you Brownsville

Edit: to add, there is a brook that runs through town at the base of the mountain.


kaboomerific t1_j244z51 wrote

Coincidentally, this is also what I think Vermont looks like 👀


noelesque t1_j247q1c wrote

Oh hey, just like the Romanian version of Jericho from Wednesday.


bluepied t1_j247u7p wrote

I’m curious what AI thinks a Vermont dog looks like?


5teerPike t1_j247wdq wrote

Well is it thinking or is it looking at every image of Vermont and then making a new one out of that?


ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_j249ohv wrote

Bet you could find somewhere that this is 95% accurate. Mountains look a bit off for some reason


inelasticplastick t1_j24fvc8 wrote

this is really beautiful

did u make this urself with ai ?

care to share ur process?


ceiffhikare t1_j24hnq5 wrote

Not enough churches.

Like for the most secular state how TF did we end up with every ville, hollow and hamlet having at least 2?


Otto-Korrect t1_j24kqh9 wrote

Just add foliage, snow, pumpkins and maple buckets. :)


werdnak84 t1_j24mkz5 wrote

.... they're not entirely wrong.


LordJeppy t1_j24ojrn wrote

Oh I've been there, it's Something Falls, VT right? 🤣


0thell0perrell0 t1_j24p0bp wrote

Yeah I'm pretty sure my summer swimming home is right behind that church. It's a little too close to the river though. I like how it's all churches.


VermontZerg t1_j24q1ja wrote

These AI generators have got so good over the last 4-5 months, insane if you look at older posts, an dnow.


whaletacochamp t1_j24rxly wrote

I love how it is simultaneously picturesque, quaint, calm, and bucolic and yet also has undertones of dread, apocalypse, and stagnant growth lol.


whaletacochamp t1_j24sehq wrote

Or stores...or garages....or grange halls...or houses.

I know two old steeple-d churches that are now private residences, one that is a grocery store, and one that is a garage. I'm sure there are other uses as well.


Fudthebiker t1_j24sexf wrote

What I love to see every morning when I step out onto my porch in my flannel shirt, hot mug of Maple syrup in my hand...


expenguin t1_j24t3p8 wrote

Thank GOD it didn't pull that stupid red farm house amidst the over saturated autumn leaves.


Alternative-Bee-8981 t1_j24t3uv wrote

Well I went there the morning I was getting married and just walked around for an hr or so in the morning. Thankfully it was very quiet, and what seemed like a couple of locals saying Hi as I passed by.

Other times though it is more like you described 😂


taez555 t1_j24t65b wrote

Needs at least one singlewide with a bunch of half working vehicles and broken farm equipment in the front yard.


whaletacochamp t1_j24updr wrote

Ahhh that makes more sense.

Pretty sure #1 is AI picking up on the Monitor barn quite a bit, and #3 is the sleepy hollow farm that everyone takes pictures of to photoshop like crazy. AI just made them slightly less noticeable lol


MEuRaH t1_j24vyl5 wrote

The least religious state in the union... covered in churches.

Close but not close, imo.


Jsr1 t1_j25d8a5 wrote

Looks like island pond


freehand_underhand t1_j25evkf wrote

I've only been once passing through, but it was a whole lot greener. I remember Vermont being really really really green in December.


IndependenceFun2371 t1_j25fuev wrote

Its rainbow colored now, like the rest of the country. SHAMEFUL, DISGRACEFUL, NOTHING TRADITIONAL AND WHOLESOME.


Condemning_Authority t1_j25j245 wrote

Can’t tell if it’s dark on purpose, a slight at the church, or just sunset


AllyEmmie t1_j25u7u8 wrote

Your theory is exactly how these art ai work. They pull art from other sources and smoosh them together into a new images

That’s part of the reason why AI art can be bad: it can steal faces, paintings, photos that don’t belong to it and make something new from those things.


AllyEmmie t1_j25ueqe wrote

It’s almost always theft. An AI can only be programmed to the limits of the human mind. It’s much easier for the AI to cobble an image together (stealing) than it is to code the AI to make something completely original and new.


AllyEmmie t1_j25uqd4 wrote

You can’t “make art yourself” through AI. The AI stole images off of the internet that belonged to an actual artist, and then made a new image with it. Any prompt created through AI isn’t your art. It’s stolen material.


AllyEmmie t1_j25vcnl wrote

AI art isn’t real art, it’s theft.

As cool as AI art is, it would be more beneficial to everyone if you hired an actual living breathing artist to paint or draw this prompt for you.

I hope this sub does the right thing and bans the use of AI.


5teerPike t1_j25vdq7 wrote

I absolutely believe it's a tool and its value is undermined by grifters & theft. We should do our due diligence to call that out, and not waste time arguing over the subjectivity of what is or isn't art


5teerPike t1_j25vkjv wrote

If it has access to every image on the internet from a free or for sale page to the entire library of Congress, I don't think it's inherently a tool of thievery.

I also cobble images together with images I didn't make. It's called a collage.


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j25x96l wrote

The housing density is accurate, but the church density is a bit high.


mannershmanners t1_j26kc4s wrote

I mean… it’s not far off. Maybe more barns than churches. And the colors aren’t quite right.


IndigoHG t1_j273u3p wrote

What kind of Lovecraftian version of Vermont is this??


nixxon t1_j27ed0a wrote

Theoretically that'll get sorted out when people start trying to sell these (good luck with that, btw). Like sampling in music. You can do it if you're creating something new, but you have to pay the creator.


How_I_wish_ t1_j27g984 wrote

The river looks off for fall. 🤷🏻‍♀️


ShellyMea t1_j27nabh wrote

So I have a question and hope it won’t offend anyone, my husband and I and our kids have been vacationing in VT, NH and Maine for many years, my husband as a child would visit with his parents, few months ago we bought a second home here in VT the people we encounter with seem very nice always friendly, very welcoming but it seem when I come to this group almost feel like we are nuisance, and vermonters would rather us not be here. We don’t live for free here we pay bills and we pay our taxes we don’t take jobs away from VT people, we hire local people to do work in our home. Again never met anyone that hasn’t been kind and friendly.


ceiffhikare t1_j27wmj3 wrote

" We don’t live for free here "

You really dont belong here, that kind of thinking is welcomed in TX, AL, or FL. We try to take care of our people up here whether the private sector has a use for them or not.


inelasticplastick t1_j281t96 wrote

i wasn’t asking my question rhetorically

i view paper and pencil as analagous as art-making tools

my understanding of the law regarding art reproduction seems to be different than u. i guess ais alter images prior to delivery. if that’s the case, assuming the amount of alteration is sufficient, i don’t see any infringement


mpyre1111 t1_j28elt8 wrote

It does look like this, and it's uniquely beautiful.


Shadedavid t1_j28eygj wrote

It’s the greatest hits album cover


Annual-Bet-5123 t1_j28ix69 wrote

Dunno why you're being downvoted, you're right. The programs have been found to use images of working artists without consent to make "art", and it is problematic until protections are put into place to give rights back to the creative industry.

Although it seems harmless, it's hurting a lot of small artists trying to make extra income.


FuckYourselfWithFire t1_j28tcw8 wrote

"bought a second home here"

See, that right there is part of the issue. As another commenter rightfully pointed out, there is a shortage of workers here and so people from out of state may need to move here to work, but you're not contributing to fixing that issue. You're just taking away a home that a local person could have bought for themselves and their family and it's not even a house you need. I know people that have put off buying their first house for up to 3 years at this point because there's just not enough available for a reasonable price, because all of the potential options are being bought by out-of-staters for over-market prices, and these are people whose families have lived here for generations but are now being forced out of state due to a lack of housing.

Of course we're not going to run you out of town with torches and pitchforks. Vermont as a whole prides itself in caring for the people within our boundaries. But you're only hurting our situation, not helping it.


AllyEmmie t1_j2aodpa wrote

If a human being makes art, and then posts it on the internet, with their brand or signature attached, and then a human-made AI STEALS THAT ART, so YOU can make art WITH THE AI, then that should be illegal

I don't know why you're saying what you're saying. AI is BAD.


AllyEmmie t1_j2bb6tl wrote

Copyright is a law. And if an artist makes something by their own hand, YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO TAKE IT, AND CLAIM IT AS YOURS.

YOU can't do that. And an AI shouldn't be allowed to do that either.

AI takes ORIGINAL art pieces, mashes them together, and gives you the result of the prompt you typed in. It's highly grey, lawfully.