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huskers2468 t1_j18wadw wrote

I'm still getting the tree off my house from the last storm, can it just chill for a second?

Great graphic, though!


Hanginon t1_j18y2lf wrote

Snow, rain, flash freeze...

Making navigating even on foot 'challenging', Great... :/


ceiffhikare t1_j191of7 wrote

The 10 day forecast starting a week out from friday is looking crazy too. mid 30's to upper 40' for a week straight and lots of rain/mixed. I stopped clearing the drive after i got a path in and out this last storm and im just gonna see whats left in the new year,lol.


quinnbeast t1_j193fvb wrote

Blizzard of ‘78 meet Shitshow ‘22


tossawayintheend t1_j1a6hjr wrote

I'd recommend filling your car up with gas while you can. If power goes out in your area the pumps won't work, and you can use your car to charge devices.


rockpharmer t1_j1azcbi wrote

“increased confidence that much of region will experience a significant high wind event rivaling a small handful of historical events with peak wind gusts comparable to a category 1 hurricane” From the BTV NWS forecast discussion