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Corey307 t1_j2sai3n wrote

Most were drugs, one was a murder suicide and the suicide doesn’t count toward the five murders last year.


VTPeWPeW247 t1_j2sj3ml wrote

Yep, drugs. But that won’t be what gets addressed. A small group of people will rally to take away rights from the rest of us because they are scared and want their Liberal Utopia without the unpleasant consequences.


Corey307 t1_j2t4dch wrote

Burlington is already trying to pass some gun free zone bullshit which will accomplish nothing because criminals don’t heed no gun signs. I do they’re rare in the state but the few times a business has had a sign I didn’t go in if I was carrying. Likewise I wouldn’t carry on to somebody’s bro, I respect property rights. Criminals obviously do not and it’s not like people are getting prosecuted for crimes.