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ARaoulVermonter t1_j2t9cg3 wrote

You can register cars here as a resident, no land ownership needed. I'm pretty sure you can even register cars here as a nonresident, but your home state might not approve.


[deleted] OP t1_j2t9jxb wrote

I have to pay taxes on cars in my home state which I personally find ridiculous. I did the math and it would be cheaper in the long run for me to just buy some land in VT and register my cars there. Thank you for your response


ARaoulVermonter t1_j2ta5fq wrote

you'd probably be in violation of the registration laws of your home state. Usually they require obtaining in-state registration within something like 30 or 60 days of living there. And tax evasion is probably a crime you should be aware of, too


utilitarian_wanderer t1_j2tage4 wrote

Buying some land in Vermont does not make you a resident. You have to state that you actually live in Vermont and that it is your primary residence. You also have to provide proof that you live in Vermont. Owning property is not enough.