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[deleted] t1_j32ic97 wrote

Anyone know what the weed taxes are going to look like and where that tax money will be used. I really hope that the new taxes being collected on weed can be used to lower our income and property tax rates. Very doubtful but a man can dream...


somewhere_in_VT t1_j32jkpt wrote

A place that used to cure the munchies will now give you the munchies.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j32k1dt wrote

You sure. I thought someone said Arianas (the Mexican place) on 302 was moving into there.


BudsKind802 t1_j32l0o1 wrote

There's a 14% excise tax by the state, which made nearly $330k in the first month of legal sales. That money first goes to the VT cannabis control board's budget to backfill costs. After that, 70% goes to the state general fund and 30% goes to substance misuse and prevention.

The VT standard 6% sales tax also made $144k in the first month. That goes to afterschool and summer learning programs.

> lower our income and property tax rates

Property tax is town-based, so a town could add an extra 1% tax to be able to fund some taxes and potential tax relief, but based on the current sales numbers they'd only be making a few thousand for their towns per month.

As far as property tax relief, that's going to be a no. It's a different "bucket" than the general fund.


Cease_Cows_ t1_j32pbao wrote

Anyone else feel like there are wayyyyy too many dispensaries opening up? I could be wrong but I just can’t imagine there’s enough demand to sustain them all. I mean, Waitsfield has two within walking distance of each other and I’m hearing rumors about a 3rd coming.


BudsKind802 t1_j32s51q wrote

Based on what Massachusetts's journey looked like, the prices won't start to come down until there's enough product coming in from growers, as our retailers can only source their supply from VT growers. Since the control board has been really slow to grant cultivation licenses and fucked up the whole outdoor grow season licenses, I'd expect another year of high prices.

As far as the glut of dispensaries, they'll sugar out in the short run as the market dictates.


Cease_Cows_ t1_j32s7ae wrote

I mean, I won't argue with that logic. And I don't care personally - I haven't paid for weed in years and don't see myself starting. Just seems like people are jumping into this market because it's cool and exciting and in a few years we're going to have a bunch of bankrupt weed shops. But again, it's not my money. Just seems unlikely to workout for a bunch of the folks getting into it.


Phlynnomenal t1_j32t8na wrote

In between 2 coffee shops (1 where you can chill with cats), right near Morse Block Deli and the book store, and across the street from the movies?

They definitely did their research.


mistahboogs t1_j32u4fg wrote

I'll give it a shot. Until it's cheaper than my guy though I probably won't be a regular customer


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_j32ukd1 wrote

How do these dispensers pay? Are the benefits good? What’s the average salary look like and are they full time jobs that can meet the financial burden of living in Vermont?


whaletacochamp t1_j32wafx wrote

For sure, but a single dispensary in your town would have to do $300k in sales to get $3000, that’s a lot of sales to cram into 4 months. Definitely not impossible, but I’d bet most full time residents that smoke regularly have their own connection or grow their own. So you’re really relying only on tourists.

South hero is probably the only town where this would stand a chance. Honestly would be a brilliant idea to open one next to that bait shop on Rt 2 headed to the islands. 99% of tourists headed to the islands via VT have to drive that road plus most of the dudes buying bait smoke too. Hmmmmm

BUT, that’s not a grand isle town!


d-u-n_done t1_j32yrz6 wrote

One of the city council guys was saying it was going to be CBD only, which seemed weird. Who’s opening this one?


06EXTN t1_j333gta wrote

LOL of course its in Barre.


taez555 t1_j333nrh wrote

Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I’m all for more locations and competition, but over saturation combined with insanely high prices (caused both by limited access and excessive taxation) could spell trouble for these businesses. I don’t want to see them fail, but right now it’s still cheaper to drive to MA and stock up than pay these prices that are nearly double.


Cease_Cows_ t1_j3341nq wrote

The same state where a ton of farmers jumped into CBD hemp with both feet and a ton got burned?

We all love weed, we agree. But everyone loves Chik-fil-A too and if tomorrow every town in Vermont suddenly had like 3 Chik-fil-A's you could be forgiven for being like "hmmm I'm not sure if this is going to work out for all of them"


Pure_Ambition t1_j33bhx6 wrote

Ah. I miss the maple lattes at espresso bueno. And their breakfast burritos with extra crispy bacon. 🤌🏼


Ographer t1_j33eep0 wrote

Is southern Vermont ever going to get any?


BaconEvolved t1_j33ocpo wrote

Joining in with all those who morn the L&M. That place that the best pancakes and french toast.


mrjpztw t1_j33tswx wrote

So if I was from ny and went to a dispensary in Vermont would I be allowed there? Also, would I be allowed to bring weed back?


aschylus OP t1_j33u4yv wrote

Yes. And yes. Have you not been to Massachusetts yet? The main thing to consider is that Vermont has laws on how you transport weed. It must be in the trunk - if you have one. Or in a locked glove box. It should not be transported in the passenger compartment.


mrjpztw t1_j33x352 wrote

No I'm super upstate NY (Plattsburgh area) so the closest place is Vermont for me. Thank you for that tip I never would have known that and thank you for solidifying my plans to finally go over and see what they have for live resin vapes(if any.) Speaking of, since this will be my first time in a dispensary and I'll be like a little kid in a candy store are there any products you would recommend?


Cease_Cows_ t1_j3427np wrote

Hey if your point is that Vermont should have a state monopoly on weed sales - including tightly controlling the number of outlets in a geographic area - then we are on the same page brother.


[deleted] t1_j344xq0 wrote

It's okay for people to ask stupid questions if they admit they're clueless fyi. I got a great answer from a different user and usually when someone gives a legit answer to a dumb question other dumb people learn stuff that they are too afraid to ask about.


beaveristired t1_j34kwsb wrote

Generally speaking, you’re not allowed to bring it across state lines due to federal law, even though each state in question is a legal state. Most states have laws that it must be locked in your trunk (or another locked container / glove box) when you transport it, so I would just lock it in the trunk and obey all traffic laws.


Wonderful-Assist2077 t1_j364wg9 wrote

With everyone getting high now the food places near by will be getting a big business boost lol


adb1146 t1_j36rvu8 wrote

I am all for decriminalizing weed but are we sure this massive expansion of access is a good thing. Like any pharmaceutical isn’t it best if administered under the guidance of a doctor.
