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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j36u04n wrote

Yup. If you love shopping, Vermont is not for you. Kind of obvious, no?


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j37588p wrote

One of my favorite things about Vermont is actually that people who love shopping live elsewhere.


weareami t1_j37iu5d wrote



Unique-Public-8594 t1_j37jsv4 wrote

Another of my favorite things about Vermont is that people who don’t enjoy outdoor sport (and those who don’t recognize the beauty of the Norman Rockwell like way of life compared to subdivision/strip mall/billboard/traffic states) choose to live elsewhere.


weareami t1_j37p2cs wrote

Its hard not to be healthy and in shape here unless you live in one of the (what vermonters call) cities. Or have medical issues preventing it. I love how active everyone is, reminds me of Colorado.