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Libriomancer t1_j3b4gke wrote

Than “a” Vermont maple syrup. Having never tasted the Butternut Mountain Farms syrup I have no idea as I mostly get my syrup from just small batch local places where you know the people making it.

It’s funny if this is “THE Vermont Maple Syrup” because they are headquartered in my hometown and I’ve never even heard of them.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j3b5gbw wrote

The owner of Butternut Mountain, David Marvin, is a good man. He takes care of his employees and runs a good operation. I prefer my syrup dark and smoky and get it from another source, but Butternut is a good quality syrup.


Libriomancer t1_j3b7rg9 wrote

I appreciate the guy might be nice but my point is that the post headline says “BJ and Target taste better than Vermont Maple Syrup” and it is a single brand of Vermont syrup that doesn’t even have the market presence for me to recognize and I grew up where they are headquartered. So I’m sure they put out decent syrup and are good people but I can’t speak to if it’s better than chain brands because I’ve never heard of them.

I however disagree with what the post tried to insinuate because I’ve tasted better (than BJ/Target) from the small batch places that many Vermonters get their syrup from.

It’s like if Consumer Reports compared Ben & Jerry’s with other big brands then someone here said “such and such brand is better than Vermont ice cream”. Well, no, Consumer Reports only compared to A SINGLE Vermont brand. I could hit up many farms with their own in house ice cream.


1DollarOr1Million t1_j3cguhb wrote

Yeah I typically buy butternut and honestly it’s almost too good. Like, it tastes, well, buttery. Kinda sus that they aren’t adding something. But it’s damn good either way.