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Calligraphee t1_j3b43j8 wrote

You know, they're wrong, but at least they named real maple products and not some of that fake nonsensical "pancake syrup." (And in all honesty, sometimes it's been hard to track down affordable local syrup, so I haven bought Costco in the past, I'm sorry, don't kill me!).


Libriomancer t1_j3b4gke wrote

Than “a” Vermont maple syrup. Having never tasted the Butternut Mountain Farms syrup I have no idea as I mostly get my syrup from just small batch local places where you know the people making it.

It’s funny if this is “THE Vermont Maple Syrup” because they are headquartered in my hometown and I’ve never even heard of them.


RoyalIndependence500 t1_j3b57c9 wrote

I get my maple syrup from Rugged Ridge Forest in Worcester. Josh makes it the old fashioned way, using horses to haul trees that he cuts on his land to fire the sap. There is no way in hell any BJs or Target syrup can compare to this syrup.


Libriomancer t1_j3b7rg9 wrote

I appreciate the guy might be nice but my point is that the post headline says “BJ and Target taste better than Vermont Maple Syrup” and it is a single brand of Vermont syrup that doesn’t even have the market presence for me to recognize and I grew up where they are headquartered. So I’m sure they put out decent syrup and are good people but I can’t speak to if it’s better than chain brands because I’ve never heard of them.

I however disagree with what the post tried to insinuate because I’ve tasted better (than BJ/Target) from the small batch places that many Vermonters get their syrup from.

It’s like if Consumer Reports compared Ben & Jerry’s with other big brands then someone here said “such and such brand is better than Vermont ice cream”. Well, no, Consumer Reports only compared to A SINGLE Vermont brand. I could hit up many farms with their own in house ice cream.


Drew-Peacock_ t1_j3bc95k wrote

I say that the testers must have been Covid survivors who lost their sense of taste


Jsr1 t1_j3bhm06 wrote

Butternut did not have have hints of molasses???? I call bullshit


Mundane_Income987 t1_j3bi4hs wrote

It sounds like someone who is used to imitation syrup trying real maple syrup and not understanding the different grades like amber, dark etc. so they’re trying to compare in ways that don’t make sense to us homegrown experts.


gudetama-of-the-wood t1_j3bl1bi wrote

You might assume that Costco or target brands are from other states, but they very well could be Vermont makers. The producers of store brands or origins are never well marked. You can drop in the store in Colchester and buy syrup made in Vermont. Pretty sure they don’t sell other non Vermont syrup for fear of riots.

Most consumers have clued in on this and will buy based on their wallet.

Either way, good advertising for Butternut.


OldVTGuy t1_j3bqrpe wrote

Like most Vermonters I get my syrup from my local “guy” who has a small scale operation and where you get to chat with the person actually making the product. This way you know what you are buying and know what this years “vintage” is like.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j3brdke wrote

I honestly would not be surprised. Part of flavor in syrup comes from the carmelization in the final boiling stage. If you never have any because your equipment is set just perfect and all you are doing is boiling water off you never get that depth of flavor.

I also assume nearly all the other brands are from Canada, most likely Quebec which I believe is the worlds biggest producer. They are having the winters VT had 100 years ago but due to climate change our season is shorter with more bursts which impact the sap flow as well as the minerals in the sap.


Zeptari t1_j3bt0c6 wrote

Done by the same group that thinks McDonald’s chicken nuggets is the best chicken nuggets ever made. Lol


ReverendErn t1_j3bts9u wrote

Vt. maple syrup maker here who has sold to Butternut as well as many other bottlers. Consumer reports frequently does these comparisons and they are worthless. Others have commented that the syrup flavor varies widely because it is a natural product with tree variation, there are processing variations and lots of other variables. If CR repeated the test with another jug they would get different results. Bottom line is that this a random sample which will give you random results.


Accurate-Tell8 t1_j3bxlf5 wrote

Where do target and Costco source their maple syrup? I’d say that is probably important info before immediately disregarding the results.


andrews301xrd t1_j3by7kt wrote

This is apples to oranges, the samples chosen are not products with the same standards. The subtle differences in product names matter like using the word Vermont or Pure, they also don't list the grade, I'm guessing amber rich. There is no indication it was done blindly so taster bias could be a factor as well. Repeat test blind with samples that all meet same standard of identity and then you have results worth publishing.

Butternut also packs for Target and a whole bunch of other brands. They have a state of the art facility and an allstar staff. The Marvin's have done so much for maple research and expanding exposure of VT maple products. One of the most respected names in the industry for good reason.


vtmosaic t1_j3c0qq9 wrote

I saw a sugar house steaming when I was driving yesterday!


PepticSkeptic t1_j3c0yhi wrote

In what universe is a hint of coconut a net gain in Maple Syrup?


zarnov t1_j3c7z3i wrote

I try to buy my syrup as local as possible. Rather pass along my dollars to my neighbors. Plus, locally you can typically get other grades compared to the store bought stuff. I just like knowing the people who are making the product.


glitteryunicornlady t1_j3c89jj wrote

I've never bought maple syrup from either place, but don't really plan to. My son's grandfather makes maple syrup so we have had local stuff for years. We've been out for a while, and that guy has always hated me, but he really doesn't like thinking about my kid possibly eating any other kind. Lol


thetoneranger t1_j3cbppg wrote

There’s a lot more people in other states that like water fake syrup then there are people in VT so it probably distorts the results.


skook1986 t1_j3ccxs8 wrote

Then consumers are fucking idiots


Presdipshitz t1_j3ch9i5 wrote

My taste buds have told me over and over that VT maple syrup is generally the best flavor syrup. However, I've further narrowed that discernment to maple syrup from non-Reverse Osmosis, wood fired operations. The production totals are typically lower than fossil fuel RO setups but I think the product is higher quality. As a Vermonter, I have the benefit of seeking out this better product by visiting the sugar house where it's made. It's fascinating and lots of fun!


coldnight3 t1_j3choyb wrote

"Flat landers like flat landers stuff..." But, I'm sure there are producers here who produce batches that end up in these brands - there's no telling where the wholesale market sales will go.


SeeTheSounds t1_j3cj1wg wrote

Is it a blind taste test? Are the tasters connoisseurs of maple syrup?

No? Throw those reviews in the trash LOL


birdshitluck t1_j3cjprt wrote

Cool. They should just eat that syrup, absolutely no complaints here.


ojhatsman t1_j3cn1n9 wrote

This is trash just like most things from huge box stores. They’re always trying to price out the lil guy, and buy reviews and studies is nothing new to corporations (look at Mars and the chocolate studies they funded)


SniffHerSoles t1_j3cqt7g wrote



aperron151 t1_j3ctlwq wrote

The American people have been mislead for far too long. This article is a criminal fraud!


suzi-r t1_j3cx2ia wrote

Different tastes for different folks. And this IS publicity, after all. I’m with my chosen locals, like some of those weighing in here.


Effinehright t1_j3d1ise wrote

Wait people buy maple syrup at the store!? I thought everyone here in VT “has a guy”


MuddyGrimes t1_j3d1s32 wrote

Hint of molasses

100% pure maple syrup



Working_Web_3904 t1_j3d2nzh wrote

I've never really considered anything but artisan produced grade B Dark Amber to 'real' Vermont maple syrup, all the rest could be anything but I'd rather not have it.


getthetime t1_j3dbi1c wrote

The trees and therefore the sap is all organic, obviously, but the "organic" label w/ maple syrup has to do with the both how the sugarbush is managed and the production after the sap is collected.

For example, to be considered organic, the sugarbush source must have a buffer zone with a specific minimum between it and areas that use pesticides and/or fertilizers. Undergrowth cannot be trimmed (at least within reason, so I understand), and the forest has to have companion species to maples to ensure the long-term health of the forest. Plus I believe there are specific ways the trees need to be tapped to ensure the health of the tree, and the tubing has to be cleaned with organic cleaners, not harsh chemicals.

During the production, organic syrup has to maintain its integrity by not having minerals removed. There are other components too but I can't remember anymore. Read up on it though if you wish, it's kind of interesting. And if you've ever been around large-scale commercial operations (I grew up with family boiling in small sugar shacks and knew people running huge operations) it makes a bit of sense. Technology and the pursuit of efficiency do affect production in ways that a consumer wouldn't really be able to tell. Like, I don't know if it makes a difference whether tubes are cleaned with alcohol or harsh chemicals, and I don't know how much of that gets into my system, but for sake of transparency I guess it's nice to have some insight into how any food item is prepared.


newsandseriousstuff t1_j3dbpc6 wrote

Well, if you consider how the net result of consumer polling places "McDonalds" as the favorite restaurant...

This is kind of a case study on how polling large swaths of people surfaces comfort and familiarity over actual quality.


Johnny9Toes t1_j3dd07n wrote

I was gonna make a comment about Taco Bell being top of Mexican restaurant polls because it's ubiquitous even if not anywhere near authentic. Same here. People around the rest of the country are raised on fake syrup and look for that fakeness as if it is what real maple syrup actually tastes like.


Johnny9Toes t1_j3dd6su wrote

Good! More real, local maple syrup for those of us who know better. 😅


ringomanzana t1_j3dit5m wrote

I’m not surprised. In my opinion, the syrup you get from your neighbor always tastes better.


kingblow1 t1_j3dqulj wrote

You see, the nice thing about Vermont maple syrup is that you can get any flavor/consistency you are looking for, and its real.


Amplify_Love4715 t1_j3dtdl3 wrote

Why even do this comparison when they know BJs and Target may source some of their syrup from Vermont producers? This whole thing feels like a veiled dump on Vermont by someone who’s political views espouse a distaste for anything coming out of Vermont!


casewood123 t1_j3dwqyk wrote

I bet BJ’s and Target advertise in Consumer Reports more than Butternut Farms does.


Loudergood t1_j3emxjq wrote

No grade listed and buttery is not a quality of syrup.


goodtimesVT t1_j3g7qux wrote

My FIL sugars every year and gives us a bottle of his maple syrup, but being from Louisiana I’ll stick to my molasses. Nothing like chewing on fresh sugar cane, come harvest time.


skivtjerry t1_j3h27pu wrote

Agree this is too much apples and oranges, but if you read CR occasionally you know that the writers generally don't know much about the products they attempt to rate.

I like the stout/lager comparison for different grades. If you're buying beer, would you get the stuff rated highly by a Cicerone or BJCP judge, or a random Wal Mart customer's favorite? CR skews toward the Wal Mart demographic.


slightlyTartLemon t1_j3jgzfs wrote

I trust consumer reports for home furnishing and mattress reviews, not food. They tend to do inconsistent comparisons by maker, not like all fancy grade maples or all dark amber maples.