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happyonthehill802 t1_j3lviao wrote

Yup you nailed it, everyones related. Its a bunch of drama. I wouldnt care if they were responsible with my tax dollars, but the work bids that get accepted are absolutely ridiculous.

A culvert replacement recently went to bid - lowest came in at 21k, highest 35k....guess who won? 35k guess who is also the brother of the treasurer? Yup...


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j3lxtgf wrote

Oh ya here they "appoint" their buddies to whatever dumb town jobs they have like delinquent tax collector to a guy who cant do basic math even though qualified residents actually wanted the spot. Mismanagement of funds so bad it would make you puke. Lack of minutes being recorded, all the zoom only town meeting recordings gone, family of selectboard members gatekeeping who gets to talk at meetings it's just stupid crooked. The biggest insult though is even after they siphon off state grants and cash to fix their own trucks they leave us this paltry pile of "resident use sand" at the town garage. No salt so of course it's a frozen pile of ice left in the middle of the parking lot with no cover. They get pissy if they see you load a home depot bucket up from the other pile but at this point they can kiss my fat ass.