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BudsKind802 t1_j6kw3n0 wrote

Needless to note that the creator of this racist meme, Jack Posobiec, really truly believes that Democratic leadership is abusing and trafficking children in the basement of Cosmic Pizza.


Ok-Valuable-6430 t1_j6mbp7s wrote

I like how "people of color" are grouped together. LOL definitely not made by one


Ok-Valuable-6430 t1_j6mqbs3 wrote

I just saw it, but my point remains. It's bizarre that so many different cultures and backgrounds are mashed into one. And also it shows a huge bias in the data presentation. If it's all blue, than this infographic would look a lot bluer...


VermontRox t1_j6ny7kd wrote

Without providing the source of this information, this post is pointless.


TheQueenCars t1_j6o3ihm wrote

Either way I think we got it good, we have a good mix of red and blue and most "hot topics" we settle on something that makes everyone happy. Glad we dont have the major drama big states have, whether my neighbor votes blue or red they're still my neighbor ❤


HeadPen5724 t1_j6oe8ka wrote

I don’t even know what this is trying to say?? It also looks like it’s completely made up.


IceStormMeadows t1_j6ohmsi wrote

GOP strategy. Possibly to normalize the idea of only certain people being able to vote. Total speculation. I have no idea.


Disastrous-Baker-914 t1_j6ok3ak wrote

All the older vermonters are republican they just don't vote so all the young people overwhelmed the graph
