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Ok-Title-270 t1_j6jejtl wrote

>My boss makes lots of money not having a clue,

Restaurants fail at higher rates than almost any other business. Margins are small and lots of competition. I therefore highly doubt this assertion


thunder-cricket t1_j6jo4r1 wrote

So you think because restaurants often fail, the guy you're responding to is probably lying about the boss of the restaurant he works at making a lot of money and not having a clue?


Ok-Title-270 t1_j6jozet wrote



thunder-cricket t1_j6jpkbm wrote

you're not one for logic then.


Ok-Title-270 t1_j6jryp8 wrote

If you're bad at running a restaurant you will lose money and go out of business, not make lots of money. Tell me the flaw in logic here


thunder-cricket t1_j6junxl wrote

There are many flaws in your logic, but the germaine one here is you can run a restaurant that rips off its customers, employees and/or does other shady practices. Your restaurant might have good profit margins, and you can still be clueless about what it takes to run a good restaurant.


Ok-Title-270 t1_j6jzcdx wrote

That would not work, especially in the current day with availability of online reviews and the shortage of available labor. If you rip off customers they will leave poor reviews, leading to decreased business. Rip off employees and they will leave for a better situation.

>Your restaurant might have good profit margins, and you can still be clueless about what it takes to run a good restaurant

That's just a terribly stupid assertion. The margins are notoriously low in the restaurant industry so if you don't have a solid understanding of how to operate one you won't have high profit margins outside of very specific conditions such as captive audiences(pizza places in Vermont don't qualify). So if you care to fill me in on the non-germaine reasons I'm wrong let me know, but so far none of what you've said makes any sense


thunder-cricket t1_j6ngwcw wrote

So you think scummy people can't make it in today's restaurant business. That's cute. I think I'll pass on continuing with the many other reasons you're wrong. But thanks for the conversation.