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aja09 t1_j6ldvn6 wrote

Are there even enough people in Vermont to make this worth the investment…


Corey307 t1_j6nyow9 wrote

There might be enough people if most people were using it but most people wouldn’t use it because it’s inconvenient and in many situations cost far too much time. If I’m reading the map right the closest stop to Burlington is north of the airport and both Burlington and South Burlington are quite large so unless you had a dozen buses running you’re going to have to walk miles to your destinations including the airport. You have to wait for the train then wait for a bus and then still have to walk and that that is not going to work for a lot of people. Sure it might reduce stress from driving a little bit but if I can get to the airport from Milton in 22 minutes, Saint Albans in 35 minutes or Montpelier in 50 and not have to worry about rail schedules and bus schedules versus a minimum hour and a half to two hours between rail and bus and worrying that everything doesn’t run perfectly I would rather drive. Using rail and bus makes some sense if those routes fit your daily commute but they won’t work for a lot of people.

They also make it a lot more difficult to do things besides go to work. Say I want to go to target and shop before work and then go to Hannaford‘s before I head back home, if I have my car stuff from target goes in the trunk in the morning and groceries go in the trunk in the evening. Not only would I have to expect a significant amount of time getting to these locations I would have to wait for a bus each time to get me back to the train station or to get me closer to work. Then I’m lugging around several bags of crap and that’s not fun.