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icanbeyourhiro t1_j4vi3s3 wrote

What’s the investment cost to having a competitive deck these days? Semi-interested but I have nearly 0 irl cards, and certainly nothing that’s currently in the meta


Remi-Valentine OP t1_j4vkhru wrote

I do believe that at a local level, and unless you're going to participate in regionals, there is no point in getting too caught up iregional, and the prices that come with it


dohp t1_j4wofsd wrote

What is "iregional" to you?


Remi-Valentine OP t1_j4woyd8 wrote

Opps typo lol ment regional no sure how I swung that typo. But we have a few players that travel to Hartford. They just went off to Portland. But we are talking actual regional events, so 100+ players with ease.

Our locals typically top out at low 20s player count


Remi-Valentine OP t1_j4vjlti wrote

Right now actually I'd a great time for budget players with the last product releases at the end of the year.

If your looking for top tier competitive then it's traditional fashion of 600-800 easy. Tearlament is tier 0 at the moment with little change in site. Spright, runic trailing behind

If you go Rouge you could escape for as little as $100 for something extremely competent. I'd looking into swordsoul, floowandereeze, sky striker, branded.

But we have a wide variety of decks at local regurally