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2q_x t1_j4x3ugp wrote

Space heaters use 1500W. Two of them running for about 4 hours a day would be 12kwh.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_j4x3z6h wrote

You should probably sell it and stop hoarding housing in a state with a housing crisis. You are the problem.


naileyes t1_j4x5dlg wrote

this is a good tip, thanks. And we do drain the pipes, idk maybe we can turn off the bathroom heater, too. it was just what the old owner advised, the instructions are on this old sheet of notebook paper we've been trying to follow them


o08 t1_j4x6klg wrote

Definitely blow out your pipes first if you turn the heat off completely. Water will sit in low spots within pipes and they will break. I would suck it up and leave the space heaters on. When you turn the water back on make sure it has been warm for a while in the house and be ready to turn the water back off if there are splits.

Also power use could be hot water if it’s an electric tank.