Thanks for that, very helpful. How do you keep their water from freezing in Winter? (If I built a coop it'd be in the corner of our yard, not close to electricity) Run a long extension cord? haha
I dug a 4-5’ deep hole in our run and put a small piece of plywood over it with a 5” hole in the center to place our water dispenser over. It keeps it from freezing most days, when it gets closer to 0 it doesn’t help though.
I just set water out for them in the AM every day, but there are heated waterers.
I want to add, when you use the hardware cloth (Not chicken wire) to enclose your run, lay some of it under/around the edges flat on the ground. Bury it if you are motivated (or just let grass grow over time and sink it into the ground). Foils the digging predators.
Also be careful if you use heat lamps. Their benefits are debatable (I don’t use them), but the yearly incidents of people‘s coops burning down are not.
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