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edave22 t1_j5lt98p wrote

Yep. Most of us don’t have power. My wife read it may not be back until tomorrow. Bundle up!


greenmtnfiddler t1_j5m03fy wrote

Not surprised at all. I have friends that work on our infrastructure. You don't want to know what they know.

I wish we had some sort of system -- maybe big red flags that can be hung from any window? -- that could signal "I NEED HELP" -- without depending on any technology at all.

We too often assume everyone has a med-alert button, that every pulled-over car has a healthy driver inside with a working phone/cell coverage and a triple-A membership.

There's nothing that beats actually checking. Maybe think about knocking on some doors tomorrow morning?


Practical-Intern-347 t1_j5mhlc1 wrote

Outages suck but it's not the utility company's fault. Also, I doubt Brattleboro is any older than the folks in Guilford, Dummerston or Marlboro, where outages are probably more common and longer.


Beardly_Smith t1_j5nf5bq wrote

In case you haven't looked out the window there was actually a big storm. These things happen after a storm


ceiffhikare t1_j5nvn0m wrote

It really sucks to be in that situation, we know and most have been there a time or 2. That said the amount of clearing that would be required to prevent this would send the eco-freaks into a tizzy if it was proposed much less done.


MisterOrganDoner t1_j5o4sou wrote

Please call GMP and let them know the names and phone numbers of elderly community members that you're concerned about. The utility really does the best it can to quickly fix the outages, but, knowing that that takes time, they also dedicate staff who normally work other roles to just doing welfare checks and making sure someone gets dispatched with food, water or a safe ride wherever it is needed.