Ok-Mycologist9515 t1_j5orjxa wrote
It's been on the market a long time - offer 220. With a 20% down payment your monthly payment could be under 1,500.
JoeKnotbush t1_j5perau wrote
This is my neighbors house... It's not a bad house necessarily, the new "owners" are looking for a flip. They cleaned up the yard from the previous owner, a mason who had piles of rock and brick everywhere. It's a nice spot but right on Route 30 and kind of loud. I think a year ago that house was listing for over 325,000...
edit: I moved to Whitefish, MT in 2001 lived for a year and couldn't afford it being a ski bum, moved back to VT in 2004, took 12 years before we could really find anything affordable, and my salary increased enough to buy anything around Addison County. Good Luck! (and i don't mean that sarcastically!)
Nostalchiq t1_j5osbr5 wrote
We haven't been able to save much money since food and the cost of living is so high, so we'd be lucky to be able to put down 3% :( But it's really nice! We'll keep it on my mind, thank you.
Ok-Mycologist9515 t1_j5otdbz wrote
Have you looked into down payment assistance?
Nostalchiq t1_j5ottxw wrote
I haven't heard of that before, but I do know we don't qualify for a lot of things because we're not first time home buyers and because my husband "makes too much". Of course they don't factor in taxes or food or insurance or anything else that leaves us with barely anything at the end of the month :(
NevilleTheCactus t1_j5p9p3v wrote
I mean this nicely, but it does not sound like you are financially ready to purchase a home. You should work on increasing your savings, and either making more money or budgeting in a way that you aren't left with "barely anything" at the end of the month before you think about buying. Highly recommend checking out r/personalfinance
Nostalchiq t1_j5p9w1j wrote
Thanks, I'll look into it.
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