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Northwoods01 OP t1_j5urqho wrote

I would think so. People need to really push back against this as fast as possible.


happyonthehill802 t1_j5uuu75 wrote

Guess the vt sub hates'll be an interesting conversation when they actually meet the locals. Vt has more guns than any of the surrounding states, and virtually no gun violence. This is not what we need to be worried about. How about some housing?


Northwoods01 OP t1_j5ux5mb wrote

My guess is that most of these people moved here and are affiliated with anti gun or anti hunting groups. They absolutely do not care what the locals think.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j5v1g3n wrote

It's not a "pure Vermonter" VS "Flatlander" situation. Most of our legislature is homegrown. Don't miss a chance to get a dig at transplants though right?


SkettiStay t1_j5vh00p wrote

Most of legislature may be homegrown, but not most of the sponsors of the bill.

I count 3 from VT, 3 from NY, 1 ea from CA and CO. I don't know if it matters, but it seems just as relevant as most of the legislature being homegrown.


Ruggerio5 t1_j60m5ar wrote

I'm sure if a bunch of conservatives from MS moved in, suddenly "home grown" would matter more.


ThePecanRolls5225 t1_j5v862q wrote

Born and raised in rural Vermont. I’m strongly in favor of gun control.
