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joeydokes t1_j5vy26t wrote

VT,NH,ME all are as lenient as you can get; being Constitutional Carry States. The amount of GV in Northern NE is minimal at best.

CA has the tightest restrictions in the nation regarding permits and types of firearms allowed; which didn't prevent a GD thing insofar as recent headlines. Same can be said for NY as well.

Go figure. Maybe its less the guns and more the social fabric that binds us.


_foxmotron_ t1_j5vysf8 wrote

California has 20 times the population of the three states you listed.


joeydokes t1_j5w42uc wrote

which makes my point. Both that rural States don't need the same laws as populous ones and that even still, those stricter laws don't prevent GV.


_foxmotron_ t1_j5w7h96 wrote

It doesn’t prove anything? California has the strictest restrictions, and their rates of gun violence are among the lowest in the country. Rural Wyoming has the third highest.

The point we should be looking at is why are we even debating gun laws at a state level? They’re meaningless.


joeydokes t1_j5wlfwr wrote

> California has the strictest restrictions, and their rates of gun violence are among the lowest in the country.

Yet said restrictions failed to prevent those shootings that are the rally cry for more gun control

> Rural Wyoming has the third highest.

Likely due to the influx of CA re-locates to WY :) Or maybe cowboys just like plinking at flatlanders! Oh noes, could happen here! /s


_foxmotron_ t1_j5wnsia wrote

Or, y’know, gun control at a state level is pointless? What’s the purpose of strict gun control in California if you can just go to Nevada and easily get guns?

Or whatever point you were attempting to make I guess


joeydokes t1_j5wwwtg wrote

Yes, my point is both; that more gun control is pointless, both in State and between States. That facts do not align with feels, and that the fundamental issue is not guns at all, which are the symptom of the disease, not the cause.

Legalizing drugs would be a start, universal health care too. But the elephant in the room is wealth disparity. If you live in the US and are in the lower 20% income bracket you do not even register on the distribution map, thanks to the 1%.

And, even if you're lucky to be in the 40-60% income bracket, even if you have (employer) health insurance, you're likely 1 medical emergency away from bankruptcy!

So, why so many guns? Well, the billionaires are building their bunkers, the filthy rich are building their fortresses, while the rest of us, we proles, visit r/preppers (don't visit r/collapse) because it doesn't take tea leaves to know somethings amiss in River City.