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EveryDayIsAGif t1_j6j2cu7 wrote

you are misunderstanding the original commenter's meaning. Bob Kiss actually had ~52% of the vote using IRV... this is why he won at the end of Round 3. His 29% total at the end of Round 1 is what you are likely remembering.

I'm not sure the details of why Burlington's education efforts failed... but there are many success stories we can look to and learn from now.


reidfleming2k20 t1_j6j2zqf wrote

Yes I understand, but what I'm saying is that a lot of the votes in that 52% were from people who were confused about the process and absolutely did not want Kiss to be the mayor.


EveryDayIsAGif t1_j6j3pwn wrote

may be so - I was not following the story at the time. To me the major tell is that those same Burlingtonians who repealed ranked choice in 2010 voted to reinstate it in 2021.


reidfleming2k20 t1_j6j4yk1 wrote

I really doubt it was the same people. Enough time had passed that people either forgot, or weren't around the first time. Otherwise it wouldn't have taken 12 years (and they wouldn't have limited it to city councilors).


EveryDayIsAGif t1_j6j64yj wrote

actually, the city councilor vote was vetoed by Miro. Ranked choice was passed by the voters directly and with strong support. Personally, I trust that sort of a result


reidfleming2k20 t1_j6j7e10 wrote

I don't know if I'd characterize 64% as "strongly" on a binary vote, especially when it's only a 16 point bump from the repeal vote 11 years earlier. And these threads are directly proving my point that a lot of proponents of the system weren't around in 2009.