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joeconn4 t1_j5zw0w2 wrote

Reply to comment by romayohh in Teacher moving to VT by thebaerfetus

In Burlington, per the 2019-2020 contract that is available online, 13 years experience + masters is a salary of $76,419/year. Not sure if that contract has been renegotiated since. If you're 13 years + masters + 30 credits, $84,199.

Straight up BA + no extras, same 13 years, $56,627.


romayohh t1_j5zy6mz wrote

Ok? I live in southern Vermont. I’m not sure what your point is. COL is higher in Chittenden county too.


joeconn4 t1_j60qtxz wrote

My point was that there are places in VT where teachers with "2 advanced degrees and 13 years teaching experience" get paid significantly more than what you're earning in Windsor County. The OP didn't note that they were looking at any specific part of the state. Unless your current position is Masters plus no additional credits, you'd probably be making around $18k more a year in Burlington, possibly (based on some teacher friends of mine) closer to $30k more in some districts in Chittenden County.

You are correct that COL is likely higher in Chittenden County. I'd say that's primarily housing, I don't think the cost of food, utilities, gas is that much higher in Chittenden County compared to Windsor County. Do you think rent is $18k/year higher? I've been out of the market too long to have a clue about the difference in rent Chittenden County vs Windsor County.


romayohh t1_j60v44i wrote

Right, I’d make more in Chittenden county- there’s a whole host of reasons why I wouldn’t live there again- but this person would be starting at around what, 42-45 with a bachelors and 1-3 years of experience? The cheapest place I found in SB on a Craigslist search was 1100/mo with nothing included for a 350 square foot studio. So they’d be spending over 50% of their monthly income on a shoebox to live in. Not factoring in student debt, car payments- things many people have. It’s a shitty situation for young, single people to be in.


joeconn4 t1_j6171h6 wrote

42-45 is low up here, I don't think any Chittenden County districts are in that range these days. Maybe Franklin or Addison County? Just looking at the current contract for one district in Chittenden County, BA plus no extra credits, 1st year is $51,776 ($52,636 starting next year), one year of experience is $54,028, two years of experience is $56,279. BA + 15 credits CE adds about $2200/year to those figures. And for those who wish, there are opportunities to coach teams or be club advisors. Or teach summer school. According to my friends who are teachers, it's not that challenging to add $5k-$15k to their salaries by taking on other roles in their district, although I know that's not for everyone.

Rents are onerous up here, no doubt, and not going to get better until a lot more housing gets built and there is some real marketplace competition. Just looked at one newer place in Williston, a few apartments coming up available in the next few months... $1425/month for a 536 sq foot 1BR, $1700/month for an 800 sq ft 1BR, $2300/month for a 1327 sq ft 2BR (lol, larger than my condo!). Decent amenities at that complex - pool, grilling areas, community garden area, fitness center, covered parking. But even a studio is going to bite into about 1/3 of a new teacher in that district's base gross.