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Twombls t1_j6flc6f wrote

Dang they removed the hidden pig


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j6flvxe wrote

That is not a font, that is why you can’t find it. That is a piece of art where the artist drew those letters.


BackgroundCat t1_j6fzmjg wrote

It’s kind of annoying that the letters aren’t the same height. Noticeable because it’s curved instead of flat.


12_Angry_Wombats t1_j6g4boq wrote

I have contacted agencies before and asked them about font styles, etc. Worst they can say is no?


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_j6hapyr wrote

Ask the troopers. If you don’t get a straight answer out of them call the Serifs Department!


Kurigana t1_j6hdybq wrote

This isn't a font, it's a specific art made by the artist specifically for this Vermont logo. You won't find it because it doesn't exist.


MikeLowrey305 t1_j6ia32r wrote

The state troopers in Spurbury should know!

"You're welcome, Meow"


12_Angry_Wombats t1_j6l71ih wrote

Come on, really?

Every Dept, every official govt entity has some sort of a standard they follow for graphics, handouts, etc. I'm not saying call 911 to ask font styles.

I did this in Boston, by calling the Boston Fire Headquarters non emergency line and asking them what font they used on the trucks, because I was a Graphic Designer working on a pamphlet project for NARCAN.


whaletacochamp t1_j6mpiuc wrote

K well as many people have said this isn’t a font, and the font used on many many fire engines is standard across the country. I can guarantee you will not get a helpful answer by callingVSP - and when you call the non emergency number you’re still talking to a dispatcher, just not a regional e911 dispatcher.