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NJRMayo t1_j61ja15 wrote

Wtf... wouldn't that look bad if they caused an accident with their own law breaking. Someone post that on their social media ffs.


TheTr7nity t1_j61ld75 wrote

Yeah! Nice try. That’s not Vermont State Police. It clearly says department of public safety search and rescue.


partial_birth t1_j61lq05 wrote

I've seen more VSP driving around without headlights on either at dusk or when it's precipitating than any other kind of car.


Status_Mechanic t1_j62a7na wrote

After seeing a sheet of ice/snow fly off a VSP cruiser earlier this year I can agree with them not cleaning off their cars either but...if you're going to pick on them at least get a VSP vehicle.


QueenRubie t1_j637kl2 wrote

Looking to the police to set a good example will net you many disappointments


SithChefCourt t1_j63s2lj wrote

Me and 2 other cars almost got hit yesterday on 89 because someone couldn't be bothered to clean the snow and ice off their roof.


will_mma t1_j63vlaa wrote

“Department of Public Safety” written on a car with what is effectively a 50 pound unsecured rock on top of it is pretty ironic.


Odd-Philosopher5926 t1_j6ozn7i wrote

Cops don’t have to follow the rules to enforce them. They can literally lie to you during a stop or during questioning.