Submitted by GreenBeginning3753 t3_10ecu8d in vermont
I grew up here. I’m a 9th generation Vermonter and I love living here. I always wanted to live out my life here, but things have gotten so expensive and with the influx of out-of-staters housing is becoming nonexistent. I’m paying $1200 a month in rent for a shitty trailer in Rutland.
I wanted to raise my daughter here like I was. I grew up in Castleton and I loved it. I have a degree but good jobs are scarce. I like the work that I do but it doesn’t pay enough and struggling every single week, and it’s on the higher end of Rutland wages for my field. I never imagined leaving but I’m starting to really think we’re going to have to. I just can’t afford to live here anymore and that breaks my heart because this is my home.
I know inflation is everywhere, but COL can’t be this high everywhere either, right?
Anyone else feeling this way?
Editing to add: I chose the wrong words when I posted.
It’s not the people moving here to live and work and enjoy Vermont that I’m frustrated with, it’s the big companies who are swallowing up houses to have a ton of Airbnb’s or the rich people who are buying their 3rd and 4th homes. Those people bother me. Not regular Johns and Janes who are moving here to be here, those folks are always welcome