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Phormicidae t1_j7lfg0h wrote

I only recently started interval training. I admit I don't even know what heart rate goals I should be looking at. Am I looking to sustain a high heart rate? Or to sustain a lower heart rate with the same activity? Thanks for your advice, btw.


cheese_stick_mafia t1_j7m0w7x wrote

Note that answers to this question will heavily depend on your medical history. If you've had any heart related issues then going off of pure Max HR percentages will not be advisable. The general goal is you want to sustain a high heart rate temporarily.

With that said, assuming everything is normal with your heart, just try to do intervals that get your heart into 80-90% of your max for a few minutes at a time. A simple one is go to a track and sprint full speed for 1 lap and then walk a lap. Repeat until you hit 3 miles. That'll give you the interval feeling that you want to go for. Search online for other interval formats