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DocSaysItsDainBramuj t1_j7o33dq wrote

In Falcon culture, this is considered a dick move.


D3cepti0ns t1_j7o8df7 wrote

not for the viper culture.


akavana t1_j7pi6j6 wrote

Word. We were told in tech school that the Secretary of the Air Force’s wife is who named it the Falcon. Not finding any supporting info for this. As a crew chief, it’s a Viper till the day I die.


MotoRandom t1_j7pzdw6 wrote

I just cringe whenever I see "Fighting Falcon" anywhere on the web. Yeah, maybe for a manufacturer's brochure back in the 1970s. Every Air Force guy I have ever talked to calls them Vipers.


vivomancer t1_j7pwtna wrote

TBH, malefic viper culture is pretty much being a dick.