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lllNico t1_jamrtos wrote

You jump from country to country like a travel show on Netflix. Calm down jetsetter.

how about we forget about specific systems from countries for a sec. There are a million different systems. In germany it's all private insurance companies, but heavily restricted by the gov, so actually not private at all. I am sure Finnland has thousands of weird quirks aswell as America. The point is this, if you have insurance and pay for it your whole life, then the cost of treatment should not matter. You have already paid for it every month you were alive.

if i get sick and there is a way to treat my sickness, i would like them to do that. My health insurance should pay for the treatment.

Same with physical injuries. If i burn my face off and there is a way to restore it, then i would very much like that. There is absolutely no reason to make this an income issue. Everyone pays health insurance for this exact case. In case of a health problem, i have the insurance that i will get adequate help.


[deleted] t1_jamsb5a wrote



lllNico t1_jamtvbo wrote

bro what are you even talking about, half of it is bragging you can speak 3 languages and the rest is random insults. I am not even american you clown.
