Submitted by louiesoapbox t3_11jvnzw in videos
themagicbong t1_jb4inj8 wrote
Looking at other tweets, someone linked a news article. The people we are seeing survived. 4 people in the other helicopter that we didn't really see died, everyone on board as far as I can tell. Tragic. I feel for their families. Happened in Australia.
wascilly_wabbit t1_jb4lga3 wrote
skinte1 t1_jb4mhyf wrote
Here's a picture of the two helicopters after the collision. The helicopter in the video is the one on the right which managed to land. Everyone survived in that one. In the other helicopter the pilot and 3 passengers were killed and the remaining 3 passengers survived.
BatXDude t1_jb4o2h7 wrote
How did the passenger see it before the pilot?? Wtf, were his eyes painted on?
Beatrix_-_Kiddo t1_jb4ox2r wrote
Do helicopters ever not crash? Seems like there's a helicopter accident every month these days.
Gockel t1_jb4p6h8 wrote
helicopters are the motorcycles of the sky
Denziloe t1_jb4qqxa wrote
The accident rate of helicopters is much lower than cars.
Woodwardg t1_jb4rtkj wrote
I'm not a pilot, but one would imagine that he has a ton of interfaces in front of him which he's using to maintain speed / trajectory / elevation / what have you. the pilot isn't necessarily concerned with what's going on 360 degrees around him with the naked eye.
why none of those interfaces are capable of warning him that another craft is barreling towards him? that's my question.
BatXDude t1_jb4s825 wrote
Isn't there alarms usually?
take_care_a_ya_shooz t1_jb4st7x wrote
A tourism helicopter has nowhere near the amount of automations/alerts that a commercial jet does.
ffsnametaken t1_jb4t60w wrote
Just like that guy from M.A.S.K.
buttonions89 t1_jb4vlt7 wrote
That pilot had terrible situational awareness.
TwiceYourSize t1_jb4vrpf wrote
So what’s the number of accidents per car and what’s the number of accidents per helicopter? You comment seems kinda obvious to me since there are way more cars then helikopters. I bet the chance to survive a car crash is bigger then a helicopter crash tho
S-Markt t1_jb4vsbo wrote
one major problem is that you can do a lot of crazy things with them, but non of those is as simple as it looks. hovering near a powerline for example is risky, chasing cattle in the australian bush too. our airrescue pilots here in hamburg managed to land old hueys on streetcrossings without ever crashing.
ktElwood t1_jb4vx06 wrote
Wouldn't they have ADS-B Transponders and some sort of air space monitoring would tell them
"Watch the fuck out"
mikeumm t1_jb4w1ce wrote
Look up, "the Jesus nut".
higgy87 t1_jb4xypv wrote
They said rate, not number
TwiceYourSize t1_jb4y9nn wrote
Thx for pointing that out, I guess that’s my non-native English failing to understand.
[deleted] t1_jb4yfnm wrote
CrashSlow t1_jb4zbns wrote
ADS-B is a catch all term. ADS-B is mostly US thing, ADS-B differs by country and in Canada there is no requirement for it, no idea what oz has for requirements.
There are different levels and kinds of traffic warning system that work off transponders of all kinds. Problem is you have to set the alert range on them. Thats easy in an airplane, just warn if anythings comes within 5miles. If it goes off all the time you reduce the range or end up muting it. They are far from perfect in slow moving aircraft.
Mitthrawnuruo t1_jb50nde wrote
That sucks. Over water. Nope nope. Nope.
[deleted] t1_jb51wxd wrote
ppitm t1_jb529xf wrote
Most helicopter accidents don't involve scratching some paint on the parked car behind you.
nicethingyoucanthave t1_jb52noo wrote
What do you think about the guy gently tapping him on his shoulder? Every time I see that, I think that the tap only further distracted the pilot. It drew the pilot's attention to the passenger instead of out the window.
the passenger points at the other aircraft, but the pilot has to turn almost all the way around just to see the finger.
[deleted] t1_jb5907i wrote
WeSnawLoL t1_jb59hot wrote
To be fair a huge reason for this is that there are less things in the sky than on a road. A road has more obstacles, some of those obstacles are occupied by complete idiots, while a pilot licenses is expensive and offers a lot of training.
forum4um t1_jb5ai8b wrote
Absolutely insane that they all survived on one of those. A slow plummet to your death from that high up? Yikes.
slashthepowder t1_jb5f3pk wrote
The other thing you need to look at is the jobs helicopters perform. I have heard of a ton of helicopter crashes when they work on power lines.
JGCities t1_jb5g0op wrote
The people in this copter were fine as nothing hit their blades.
The poor people in the other one though...
thewhitelights t1_jb5hmmy wrote
4 Died :(
antantoon t1_jb5isgi wrote
Well this is a video from the helicopter crash in Australia a few months ago, not a new crash.
Tdagarim95 t1_jb5jorb wrote
Unfortunately, the things helicopters can do outweigh the dangers associated with them. Planes can glide if something goes wrong. But something as little as a loose nut on just the right component in a helicopter immediately kills everyone on board.
outsourced_bob t1_jb5jur3 wrote
eulynn34 t1_jb5ko3h wrote
Yea, that probably sucked.
JGCities t1_jb5lbjf wrote
Based on description of the accident the guy in this copter is probably to blame as he struck the tail rotor of the other copter.
>Less than a minute after take-off, the departing helicopter (registration VH-XKQ)[7] was struck in the tail by an arriving helicopter (registration VH-XH9)
Pretty much a rear end collision. The people in the first copter had no clue what was about to happen.
Commie_EntSniper t1_jb5m9sv wrote
Had the passenger pointed when he had the initial instinct instead of waiting and tapping... but then again, you trust your pilot to do hir job.
whooo_me t1_jb5r320 wrote
According to the report the other helicopter was ascending from underneath- maybe the console partially obscured the pilots view while the passenger in the back could see it more easily?
Look_to_the_Stars t1_jb5ra56 wrote
Anyone have a mirror? Twitter is down
Bad_Mood_Larry t1_jb5rj5w wrote
Also like motorcycles, helicopter crashes are much more fatal.
outsourced_bob t1_jb5rt39 wrote
...Woke up my 80's nostalgia...
heroinsteve t1_jb5ry7e wrote
I mean it’s still disingenuous to compare imo. There is significantly less air traffic than cars have to deal with. A better comparison would be planes and helicopters as they both use air space and are far closer in trips than cars.
just_some_sasquatch t1_jb5u5yb wrote
Another reason to hate Sea World.
Babykickenpro t1_jb5v3fi wrote
The actual video seems to be very short but here is the full news report which includes it:
Alan_Smithee_ t1_jb5xx7g wrote
Yes, it’s a repost.
And why is the pilot in the left seat? I thought helicopter pilots sat on the right.
PoxyMusic t1_jb61y7j wrote
Helicopters can glide also, sort of. Autorotation is the way you can still land when you have a complete engine failure in a helicopter. You harvest the remaining energy in the rotor for one last landing.
I guess a crude analogy would be, you immediately put it into neutral, then throw it into reverse at the right moment.
In the best case scenario, it's safer to lose your engine in a helicopter than an airplane, because at least you get to choose your landing area, and you aren't landing with 60 knot forward speed.
IANAP, just an enthusiast so grain of salt.
Tdagarim95 t1_jb62bxb wrote
Absolutely. All of that is dependent on if the tail rotor and the driveshaft is still intact though.
PoxyMusic t1_jb6340x wrote
Yes, true.
santacruisin t1_jb6b4oo wrote
trying to side-eye booba
rhalf t1_jb6gt7i wrote
There are more helicopters in the sea than boats in the sky.
jeepster2982 t1_jb6is7s wrote
Aaaaand now the theme song is stuck in my head again
[deleted] t1_jb6l04e wrote
IamNICE124 t1_jb6ls6j wrote
Jesus Christ that killed four people in the other helicopter..
Is this something would be identified as both pilots being at fault?
I’m not an expert at all, so I’m not casting judgement on either because I genuinely don’t know, just curious.
cmilla646 t1_jb6ndpt wrote
I don’t have many irrational fears but colliding helicopters has always been right at the top of the list. It feels like it should be impossible but here we are.
itypicallyjustlurk00 t1_jb6o0oz wrote
Fun fact, no anti-torque is required during autorotation. No tail rotor required! The drive shaft is also largely unnecessary due to the sprag clutch.
Tdagarim95 t1_jb6qdo0 wrote
Huh. Today I learned. I appreciate that.
-LEGO- t1_jb6qxan wrote
ThatDarnScat t1_jb7f9ep wrote
Trains of the sky....
DontCallMeMillenial t1_jb7m3yp wrote
Also - both helicopters were giving sightseing tours for the same damn company.
They should know they're operating within the same airspace and be cognizant of each other's positions.
Cardioth t1_jb7ryg7 wrote
My mates friend died in this accident. :(
octagonlover_23 t1_jb811w2 wrote
Fucking sea world at it again
octagonlover_23 t1_jb81wv2 wrote
Long time helicopter pilot here (4,000 hours) - I can assure you this was absolutely operator error on both parts. Modern helicopters are equipped with all sorts of sensors for both weather and unnatural objects. That little screen right below the "co-pilot" woman's chin (clearly not a co-pilot but that term just branched from planes) is actually the display for this type of proximity info.
So first case - that should've caught it, but the pilot was being absentminded and checking out the views.
Second, the flight plans for both of these crafts could not possibly have both vehicles in that place at that time, which is the other reason I can tell that this is operator error.
TL;DR, I'm not a heli pilot and I just made all this up
Riegel_Haribo t1_jb8dw8i wrote
To be fair, a helicopter has one big obstacle below it that causes the most fatalities.
[deleted] t1_jb8zb4s wrote
[deleted] t1_jb8zfv4 wrote
[deleted] t1_jb8zmvc wrote
[deleted] t1_jb8zotj wrote
LeastDescription4 t1_jb90921 wrote
What did Sea World do in the past? They don't exactly have much controversy.
LeastDescription4 t1_jb95mas wrote
What was the first reason?
just_some_sasquatch t1_jbamx5a wrote
Well there are many, but the main one is poor treatment of captured Orcas leading to the deaths and/or horrible injuries of multiple employees. In that respect Sea World is basically the Tiger King of Orcas. You should watch a documentary called Blackfish if you can find it. Supposedly the bad PR from it caused them to stop doing Orca shows and breeding them in captivity.
quote88 t1_jbanl5g wrote
I believe it's the enslavement of sentient non human beings in tanks that are a fraction of the size of their daily distance they cover.
LeastDescription4 t1_jbaxewt wrote
Sea World (Villiage Roadshow) has never had an Orca show. You might be mixing it up with the USA's SeaWorld. This is an Australian company with no affiliation with the USA one with a similar name.
just_some_sasquatch t1_jbayafd wrote
Ah! Okay I definitely just assumed SeaWorld was the same company as Sea World. My mistake. I've done the classic "everything is American everywhere" that we US citizens often do.
LeastDescription4 t1_jbb4ipm wrote
No worries. Australia has a bad habit of having the same named companies that are entirely unconnected (Target, Kmart, Burger King, Seaworld)
The Burger King one is particularly silly...
Thoraxekicksazz t1_jb4ii2k wrote
Where’s the rest of the video? They dead?