slylock215 t1_izq2u0g wrote
I don't even know what you're trying to imply with this. 90's comedy was edgy that ran fast and loose with more divisive issues? Giving ideas to the people who would look at the map and cheer?
It's the same kind of "they couldn't make blazing saddles today" argument that peters out when compared to contemporary edgy humor.
wokesmeed69 t1_izq4xvl wrote
I'm implying that I don't want them to find out about our plan.
KanataWaltz t1_izq5j92 wrote
Mark Hogancamp? Okay okay, show me with the dolls where they hurt you.
strangefolk t1_izq91eh wrote
90s comedy was actually funny.
Baringstraight t1_izq9vt6 wrote
Best show ever
BenTVNerd21 t1_izqcaem wrote
Great you just got Bob cancelled lol
satanshark t1_izqe81f wrote
There’s a disappointing and slight irony that Mr. Back Left was at the Capitol on Jan. 6.
satanshark t1_izqedih wrote
Right?! My first thought was “what would he say about this now?” And I say that as a fan of the man and this show.
ForkYouToo t1_izqg49d wrote
Soon soon you're a balloon!
revolverzanbolt t1_izqw78q wrote
The brown face
timeye13 OP t1_izr00gb wrote
It’s marked NSFW. And I love Bob despite this egregious choice haha.
[deleted] t1_izrfm6j wrote
dysfunctus t1_izs8tq4 wrote
Thank you for this.
mverlei t1_izs8y3t wrote
To this day remains my response if I ask someone when and they say soon.
wokesmeed69 t1_izq14aw wrote
Don't let Twitter find this.