MmmmapleSyrup t1_j1g9pu5 wrote
This just shows how dumb it is to send any reporter into the field to provide live coverage for a minor weather event. It’s cold and snowing a little bit in a place where it’s completely normal to be cold and a little snowy… riveting.
DarkKitarist t1_j1hgxf2 wrote
You get comedy gold? They should do this more, the guy is super funny! Hope he got a nice cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows afterwards!
LapisGlyph t1_j1hkrro wrote
Not only is he funny, he's telling it like it is! It sucks out their! We need more honest reporters like this man.
nutzer001 t1_j1hnon1 wrote
dirtfork t1_j1ho8li wrote
I read on a site that was covering this that the temperatures were between -30°F and -40°F. At that point it honestly sounds inhumane to have him outside that long. While im sure he was hamming it up for entertainment value, I agree that it really feels pointless.
Pisodeuorrior t1_j1hp53j wrote
"I didn't know there was a 3.30 also in the morning" really cracked me up:))
AssistOwn3762 t1_j1iynmi wrote
At least he had a sense of humour
[deleted] t1_j1g0d8w wrote