SirShartington t1_j2a49hw wrote
"He was only shot in the back four times, it's totally fine"
Dynazty OP t1_j2a57bq wrote
Yea that point was a little odd to me as well. But if that is your only take away, then you have some pretty bad blinders on.
SirShartington t1_j2a5fuj wrote
The language being used put me off, and at that point I thought if I really wanted to learn more about this, I'd go somewhere reputable, not some cunt on youtube.
Dynazty OP t1_j2a6ikc wrote
Lol figures.
fish_slap_republic t1_j2byimv wrote
Unfortunately gun fights aren't clean cut, mortally wounding someone doesn't stop them from taking others with them before they pass out and die. Plenty of people have been shot multiple times and still able to fire their weapon and kill others before they die.
What happened was tragic but not an example of gross police misconduct, there are plenty of examples of terrible police misconduct no need to argue over
feedandslumber t1_j2c1x2l wrote
Really well done, kudos to the creator.
feedandslumber t1_j2c24bo wrote
And, in fact, totally justified.
Wazula23 t1_j2e8760 wrote
Rittenhouse wanking bullshit. Enjoy the copycats over the next few years.
HungryLikeTheWolf99 t1_j29zjlg wrote
I'm impressed by this very straight-faced look at what was going on in Kenosha, and I'd like to see more independent journalism covering these events about which the mass media straight fabricates its "facts" in exchange for clicks.