lancc33 OP t1_j5mqkl1 wrote
Any help/tip?
MSGRiley t1_j5mr3y9 wrote
My thoughts are that I just saw this a few hours ago.
lancc33 OP t1_j5mrpc0 wrote
Well? Did it leave you speechless?😃😅
MSGRiley t1_j5msmqy wrote
It did not. I commented that this is bad, yes, but the military is aware of these things usually far before it gets to us on social media and even if they weren't, you couldn't simply walk on base, grab a nuke and use it.
There are a lot of safety features on even just regular missiles that would make them unlikely to be useful if stolen, nukes are way worse. I mean, it's concerning and yeah, probably everyone involved is in huge trouble but honestly, not a good chance that this intel would be actionable.
More like other countries looking at it and laughing. "Dumbasses. I'm glad the idiots in our army will get a break from being laughed at for a minute."
Voidcroft t1_j5msr2t wrote
Seriously? You just stole the original 9 min vid from Vice and made it into a shitty short to beg for subs in Reddit? Come on man..
The-Brit t1_j5n10g1 wrote
YouTube video Downvoted. No credit in the video description.
Downvoting here is worthless but on YouTube it effects the algorithm.
lancc33 OP t1_j5msvlj wrote
I didn’t steal, I made a shorts with subtitles which is allowed under YouTube guidelines. What is your problem?
Voidcroft t1_j5mtz30 wrote
It might be allowed but it's still a scummy thing to do. Stealing other peoples work and republish bits of it as a short and beg for subs. Bellingcat does excellent and many times dangerous work, you shouldn't degrade it by bastardizing it for Youtube subs or Reddit upvotes.
lancc33 OP t1_j5mudt8 wrote
You are a very short minded guy. How do you think Bellingcats stuff would be known if people like me didn’t repost it and help get reach and views? The original creators get free promotion/marketing from people like me which helps them grow even more.
Voidcroft t1_j5mwh93 wrote
Oh please, don't flatter yourself, Bellingcat does groundbreaking journalism that has the power to topple corporations and governments, they do not need your "help".
lancc33 OP t1_j5mt4nl wrote
If you think it’s shitty then that is your opinion but you don’t have to think out loud sir
hawt_pawket t1_j5mpzex wrote
Sounds interesting. Have a link to more information?
R4TTY t1_j5mqii6 wrote
You need to work on your titles, no one will click this.