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downboat t1_ja9rg3k wrote

This probably means more babies


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_ja9rnh5 wrote

this means… HIGHER TESLA STO- I think this is a side note- I don’t think his fame changes anything apart from perhaps how his investor day might end up like tomorrow…. As long as his Master plan 3 isn’t too off putting


NoMoassNeverWas t1_ja9v3bl wrote

I don't think Twitter is making much money but seeing ads return definitely shows how much of a 15 min lifespan these false outrages carry. I'm beginning to think if you just hide out for a few days, the internet will move on to something else and forget trying to cancel you.


RegiGoldCard t1_jaa5sop wrote

It's fucked up how this guy can do a bunch of stupid shit and come out relatively unscathed. Meritocracy is a lie.


KyivComrade t1_jaachk7 wrote

New advertisers take their place, though they'll pay less and that's what'll hurt Elons bottom line. He wants much money for ads but he only gets some mmolney so he's mad as usual...tweeting conspiracy nonsense


Bluemoo25 t1_jaack2j wrote

Here's a quote from Churchill about dictators that definitely applies in more situations than that of a dictator:

A modern dictator with the resources of science at his disposal can easily lead the public on day-to-day destroying all persistency of thought and aim so that memories blurred by the multiplicities of daily news and judgement are baffled by it's perversion.


Darth_Laidher t1_jaai1dt wrote

How? Cars got discounted, factory closed and the self drive program is a broken as my phones autocorrect function. How?


hi-imBen t1_jaaomf5 wrote

imagine reading this as someone who bought tsla at 400+ and is still down 50%


crockett5 t1_jaasvkp wrote

Does this mean he can stop acting like an idiot?


Professional_Ask6692 t1_jaax5rl wrote

As long as I can make myself some money in the short run,what do I care if what makes it possible is terrible for my neighbors, the community and the nation as a whole? Trum…er, Elon Uber Alles!! Sieg! Sieg! AMIRIGHT? AMIRIGHT?? Dude fuck that clown.


loudnoisays t1_jaaxslf wrote

just goes to show how focused the investors and company employees are at maintaining their status quo regardless of how dangerous their "self driving" fire safe cars are and no matter how many people bring up the R E A L issues in the Congo with the Congolese Children working in the mines to ensure there's enough raw material for batteries in the first place.

When you have a company and industry literally making billions of dollars, putting a troll at the head of financial success/a literal man child that defends racists, bigots, sexists, nazis, white supremacists... Literally got a bunch of CHILDREN working in mines to make sure Tesla can meet the demand and keep up with their now global supply chains where the number 2 in charge is a Chinese workaholic right when Norinco and the Biden Administration are going into the Congo to figure out what exactly has been going on with all the deaths at the mines.

When you are the richest person in the world and you can turn a tragedy of your own making and design flaws into a selling point to get more government and investor support to try and solve a problem you as the richest person on the planet who is much more concerned about going to a different planet and wreaking havoc there, who has dozens of law suits and out of court settlements involving your own (Elon Musk) attacks and bullying people because you're the rich troll who can.

Tesla is nothing more than a Congolese Child labor making machine, killing kids trapping them underground with no future where they get electric vehicles and a green future. The Kids digging the raw materials for the last two decades dying to make sure Tesla batteries are on every road around the world where the people and governments paying for the supply chain are just ignoring the reality by staring at the multitude that is the cloud and ignore the dead kids that make the car go zoom zoom.

APPLE batteries are literally grains of rice compared to a TESLA battery so imagine how hard those kids must have to work to ensure your new electric car has the range to keep up with your James Bond Bruce Wayne Tom Brady wanna be life styles.

Get over yourselves all of you who keep buying Tesla and are convinced CATL and China will stop using child labor or the US will be able to do a damn thing about it anytime soon. Nope you would rather support an industry that doesn't have a real ability to say they HAVEN'T been using child labor so now, in 2023, after cobalt and lithium mining has been going on for decades to produce up to the demand that is ever sky rocketing, there is more talk about possibly using blockchain or providing more infrastructure to Congolese people suffering and working to death.



MoneyForPussy t1_jaazgeo wrote

100% rally? was that bitch high when she wrote that


MovingTargetPractice t1_jab0glp wrote

Look you have a valid point and it would be helpful for your readers of your wall of text in an attention span limited forum to open with a link.

You are talking about cobalt. But really you are talking about inequity. The powerless will be exploited in one industry or the next until we solve for inequity. 20yrs ago this was diamonds.

Solve for income inequality globally and voila. Fight for cobalt inequity and the problem just moves.


AllCommiesRFascists t1_jab2d6b wrote

You wasted your time writing this because Tesla is now using LFP batteries that don’t use Cobalt

Judging by your post history that almost exclusively advocates for Tesla’s supposed use of child slave cobalt miners, you should be loving Musk for publicly directing his engineers to develop LFP battery tech to eliminate the use of cobalt


Charlierg50 t1_jab75ax wrote

Richest, except for Putler!! 💯🤷‍♂️


Werdna168 t1_jabc49v wrote

Also getting to his sell trigger, keep pumping plebs elon needs his exit.


Shaneris t1_jabekgo wrote

But does he have enough to retire at his age?


lagavulin_16_neat t1_jabktc0 wrote

Because the discount double the demand of the vehicle.. making up the small deficit in margin by increasing volume. Future profit motivates the market..FSD even with it's issues is still very good and will only get better..tons of people paid for it. Plus the Twitter thing has settled down, huge engagement on the platform means there is a high likelihood that it too will succeed. Is what it is. Dude knows how to make money regardless of the antics and the negative publicity.


murphy-murphy t1_jacbg1v wrote

richest man in the world thanks to central bank QE. Jerome Powell literally bought Twitter for elon musk.


Degenereth t1_jace8pt wrote

This is how I know without a doubt that this is a bear market rally. The world's richest man is a vaporware salesman and con artist. An absolute fraud and an imbecile to boot.


Cheeky_Star t1_jachjxx wrote

Stocks go up stock go down … 🤷🏼‍♂️


Degenereth t1_jacwheu wrote

  1. Yes, starlink is a fraud. 2) neither of these entities are part of if Tesla, so get bent. It's imbeciles like you who give all their money to this con artist somehow thinking that all his schemes are Tesla.

dunkmaster6856 t1_jad0q6t wrote

Kek, youre talking about musk as a fraud in general, not just tesla, so you get bent

And sure, seethe and cope over space x if you genuinely think its a fraud. Imbeciles like you trade on emotion rather than logic and give all your money away on stupid emotional trades


neldalover1987 t1_jad2kwa wrote

What “she wrote” was that elon is back as the richest man on the planet because of a 100% rally. Which is correct.

Elon became the not so richest man on the planet due to the plummet. And then again became the richest man because of 100% rally. Both can be true.


swohio t1_jad2z21 wrote

You guys are actually fucking stupid. This is Tesla's 5 year stock price chart. It was only above $400 one time and very very briefly.

Again, that is $400 POST SPLIT PRICE How is this hard to understand? The person I replied to mentioned "still being down 50%" inferring he was talking about the current price.


Maxfunky t1_jadaolq wrote

That's very astute observation you made. How long did it take you to figure that out? Of course, this thread is about a person, it happens to be the same person. It says so right in the title.


ThetaGangSlayer t1_jadiurw wrote

This guy is actually the right one. Crazy how witarded this Reddit thread has. He’s getting downvoted by a lot of more people than I was expecting. and the witards still saying dum sheit. You can check it’s price, it’s adjusted to the stock split. So $400 was the peak ever adjusted for post split. Geezus Christ, the dumas who said $900, the witard who said “you belong here” and the down voters are all regards who actually truly “belong here”. Downvoting the only guy actually telling the truth. 🤣😂 geez this sub thread really attracts the regardest of them all


BenSemisch t1_jadvk9k wrote

The ads may be returning but are the users? A lot of top creators have left the platform because of Musk and with Musk's leadership leading to a more lax moderation style on political stuff I don't see the website improving for the average user who doesn't want to see political shit on their feed nonstop.


Maxfunky t1_jaelrh2 wrote

Jesus Christ, you Dunning-Kruger poster child, how can you be simultaneously smug yet clueless? You're "correcting" me like I'm the one not talking about on-topic stuff when you're the one off-topic. Nobody gives a shit about employee compensation and nobody was talking about employee compensation.

We are talking about Elon Musk's personal wealth, and his large stakeholding in Twitter is directly relevant to that discussion.

You must be one of the Twitter employees he kept around, because you are definitely highly-regarded. Fucking Tesla bag holders getting all misty-eyed everytime the topic of Twitter comes up. Sorry that I struck a nerve by reminding you of what a dumbshit you were to invest in Tesla at the peak of the bubble.


dunkmaster6856 t1_jaemsu3 wrote

Its adorable how mad you are, when the first comment in this thread is talking about twitter employees who were fired

Get a clue, youre the one who cant read and is off topic. Stay mad

Edit: its your own comment lmfaoo


Maxfunky t1_jaeubqz wrote

Mad? I think your adorable. I mean, dumb as a box of bricks, but adorable. Basically, you're like a puppy that isn't house broken yet.

And I wasn't talking about fired Twitter employees. I was talking about a funny thing Elon Musk said. It just happened that he said it to Twitter employees (the ones who weren't fired, since you suck at reading comprehension). I'm sorry that the word "Twitter" triggers you cause you think that's the reason Tesla stock cratered. Stay butthurt about all that money you lost, lol.