With the only difference that back then money had some value. Now it's just another Ponzi scheme. We are good as long as the US is able to force those investments in (bigger loans to pay the old ones) until we aren't. Hope I'm alive to see it when it's over and what the bankers will come up with next.
Money itself is a ponzi scheme, the gold standard was fake as well, what gives gold value? It is a shiny metal that looks nice I guess. You could substitute anything that is rare for gold. Gold is worthless and has been for a long time. Money has value because you can buy things with it. The US economy is not a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes are run by people who steal money. The government can create money that has value any time they want and they do an excellent job managing the money supply.
The US has the strongest most powerful economy in the world because of the Federal Reserve and because we have the smartest workers in the world working here. That will not change for decades. The US rules the world and we have no competition and it is not even close.
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