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t1_jab8gfk wrote

>You're an idiot. Anyone who buys stocks without doing their research is a fool and deserves to lose money.


t1_jab9hxw wrote

yeah ok lets see what you have....

i DID do research. like i said i am new.

as time passed i learned more resources to get better information.


I am losing nothing. Every one of my stocks are up aside from one.

But when a broker charges you 33% to get rid of shares (which is what this about) it's impossible to make money period. No matter how good the stocks are.


t1_jaba5gm wrote

Damn bro, don’t beat up our bot. It doesn’t have arms, and can’t defend against your right hook.


t1_jabagjs wrote

Its either a penny stock and your broker doesnt offer free trading on them or u just are getting charged per sell order. and in both cases its a flat fee not 33%. Just needa buy more shares at a time and sell them altogether


t1_jabaq1h wrote

When you say broker, are you physically calling a dude to execute trades on your behalf? What platform are you using? What was he price of the stock when you sold? What was the stock?


t1_jab9fti wrote

You have no clue what you’re doing man. So you should probably double down


t1_jab9g4p wrote

I'm your broker and it's very normal.


t1_jab8x88 wrote

Value has nothing to do with it. Most brokerages are either free or charge a flat rate for each stock trade.


t1_jab9s70 wrote

How many shares did you buy/sell and at what value. Like if it was one at $5 and it went up to $20 then 33% is pretty reasonable


t1_jabak2p wrote

Let me tell you a funny story. I use fidelity and there are certain foreign stocks they charge a $50 fee on. I planned to open a small position and come back later after doing my full due diligence. I figured if I had just a couple shares I wouldn’t lose much even if it tanked entirely, and I didn’t yet know how to do a watch list and wasnt interested in learning. So I bought my three shares, in the process clicking through the warnings about extra fees. I am the proud owner of three shares worth about $30.

They cost me $80 total to buy, and would cost me an additional $50 to sell.

Point is, on very small transactions it is easy for fees to eat up 33% or more.


t1_jab9n1s wrote

Call your brokerage and find out full details.


t1_jaba7xb wrote

We need to know the name of the brokerage so we can help you, son. Don't be shy - the worst has already been done. We're here to help...


t1_jabaev7 wrote

this is wealthsimple


t1_jabb0gj wrote

Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about Wealthsimple, except that they are essentially the Canadian version of Robinhood for the United States. A 33% fee sure doesn't sound right, though. I'd be inclined to reach out to them and try and figure out what happened. Best of luck to you.


t1_jabatpx wrote

I'm guessing you got screwed by a wide bid/ask spread. Basically, every stock has bids (offers to buy) and asks (offers to sell) at various prices. The bids are always below the asks (because if they cross over a trade happens and those offers go away). Usually, the difference is so small that we talk about a single price, but in thinly trades stocks it can be significant.

Next time use a limit order (or just don't trade penny stocks).


t1_jabaqs8 wrote

anyways i should have known i would be dealing with a bunch of immature piss ants who just want to talk down on people.....

thanks for the very very few serious responses.

the rest of you, i bet your lives are just going so well that you have to take to reddit and talk crap to people asking for help. karma is a bitch and i'm not talking about reddit karma
