Submitted by code6violation t3_11eb1x6 in wallstreetbets
VisualMod t1_jacyc0v wrote
Goldman Sachs is a great company and I'm glad to be an investor. They have always been profitable and will continue to be so. Their CEO, David Solomon, is doing a great job and I'm confident in their future prospects.
Dan_inKuwait t1_jacyul7 wrote
Going all in!
[deleted] t1_jaczoli wrote
Raoul_Puke t1_jad1igb wrote
Old news, this is why we do this in the first place. For ass.
Dark_Delusion t1_jad1u5r wrote
coronurvirus t1_jad2xr1 wrote
Sachs and Ass, a Wall Street tale.
Goldman Sachs is investing in cake companies now.
TheWSBaccount t1_jad359w wrote
Hence, my account looks like 💩
hollyberryness t1_jad3z8f wrote
Ass rules everything around me
GuiltyBee60 t1_jad4dez wrote
I like to make money on 0 DTE options and blow it all on ass!!
rebelo55 t1_jad763n wrote
MrWibbler t1_jad7icf wrote
He's talking about me since I lost all my cash in FDs, I have no grass, and nobody rides for free.
Kitten_Team_Six t1_jad7n12 wrote
Im not sure i agree with this im more of a boob man
Striker40k t1_jad8qkc wrote
FGLabs t1_jad932q wrote
Always been bullish on ass
VOIDssssssss t1_jad9l6d wrote
Lube up
iPigman t1_jad9rz2 wrote
Dig that ass, man.
iPigman t1_jad9twk wrote
Balls deep, I hope.
BigSkyThai t1_jadayf6 wrote
Does that mean I should buy some booty calls?
trdlts t1_jadb2g8 wrote
This is why he makes the big bucks
Slarrrrrrrty t1_jadcayc wrote
"..around ass" in yo face you get sprung!
Alepman t1_jadcp4n wrote
Ok boomer
Okbutbushdid711 t1_jaddrmq wrote
"Ass is gunna be the next big thing" -2006 bro after seeing the first pair of yoga pants in action
blanc_pearson t1_jade4h0 wrote
Boob market is gone, kitten. It's ass time now.
ticapnews t1_jade4yj wrote
Goldman is funding a rocket ship to Uranus?
Kitten_Team_Six t1_jade8qy wrote
Im all in on the boob dip son
[deleted] t1_jadfgpo wrote
Ethric_The_Mad t1_jadg4vu wrote
GoldmanSachsGary t1_jadgzmg wrote
Bro ❤
[deleted] t1_jadiduc wrote
Bottom_Wobbles t1_jadipni wrote
Calls on lube!
Backdoor_Delivery t1_jadiwky wrote
Less talk, more ass. Thanks.
austjorg t1_jadj0mq wrote
If he is not careful, the FED will probe
mritech1208 t1_jadjmrx wrote
Time in the ass beats timing the ass
woodland36 t1_jadjsb2 wrote
Usually ass isn't the problem, it's everything around the ass.
ShankThatSnitch t1_jadjxe9 wrote
A round ass is always a good opportunity.
Balls_Legend t1_jadkd92 wrote
A round ass.... who doesn't love a round ass?
Fickle-Second-1696 t1_jadmozo wrote
Nothing like a good tossed salad
[deleted] t1_jadn61z wrote
[deleted] t1_jadqmhq wrote
hrehman1972 t1_jaduiu1 wrote
It’s clearly a typo, he didn’t mean “around ass” he meant “a round ass”
robot_handjob t1_jadv5jq wrote
Face down, ass calls.
[deleted] t1_jadwqz3 wrote
J3ster14 t1_jadyf9d wrote
I hate to see ASS fall but I love to watch it drop.
RedWallClimber t1_jae03mz wrote
Dunno, I think I prefer when things go tits up
Mundane_Sea_906 t1_jae0aeq wrote
Always been bullish on ass.
Anonymous-550 t1_jae27lq wrote
Erosong t1_jae3yf3 wrote
First is AI now its ass, I cant keep up
WhatWouldJoshuaDo t1_jae440v wrote
Who's ass?
oldmanjim1 t1_jae4j5a wrote
Don't, you'll be in deep shit.
Wulf_Saxon t1_jae5b2y wrote
Balls deep in booty calls
Adorable_Ad8515 t1_jae5tua wrote
I love boobs!!! Little tiny perky ones. :)
pepesilviafromphilly t1_jae6fmo wrote
Why can’t we find girls wearing normal clothes? Whats up with the yoga pants? You go to europe, it makes sense. You come back to the US and it’s all nonsense.
ZappaSays t1_jae6vkv wrote
A round ass
AYMM69 t1_jae71gt wrote
Round ass 🚀 📈
jmannix t1_jae7sij wrote
$ASS was right in front of our eyes the whole time
ZealousidealFault468 t1_jae94xz wrote
The real opportunity for me is a round ass too what a fucking coincidence
MellowedFuck t1_jaeak1p wrote
Fuck dude I just put a option call on this stock what does this mean
soAsian t1_jaecnf0 wrote
ass is the new cocaine
soAsian t1_jaecymi wrote
you can't get STDs if you cum in her ass
WSB_Reject_0609 t1_jaedvtw wrote
This old man speaks truth
jjohn7676 t1_jaeecz1 wrote
Puts on boobs
Kitten_Team_Six t1_jaeefo1 wrote
so you young people stick yer tongue in someones shithole but are offended by pronouns?
Puts on the Earth
Rocketeer006 t1_jaegwx8 wrote
That's the way we like to cuck.
LOVE2FUKWITHPP t1_jaeiedp wrote
Throwaway34532345433 t1_jaej0fb wrote
Green goblins gaggle geese goggle grease
NextTrillion t1_jaelc4d wrote
Speak for yourself. I don’t actually like to cuck. I only cuck because I’m forced too 😔
NextTrillion t1_jaelgp0 wrote
So your saying wsb shat all over your account? Plausible.
lic2smart t1_jaemmqr wrote
A round ass is always a great opportunity.
Few_Oil4308 t1_jaeoyti wrote
Ever done cocaine, outta da ass?
Desperate-Ad-8068 t1_jaepfx3 wrote
Does this mean he is bag holder. I’m learning everyday.
LOLeverage t1_jaeprgt wrote
Shiiiit…. lyrically, ****** can’t see me. Fuck it. Buy the coke, cook the coke, cut it.
cdevr t1_jaeq434 wrote
RockmanMike t1_jaeveya wrote
Balls deep?
jnuts9 t1_jaevkmd wrote
A round ass
Equivalent-Step1515 t1_jaf0doe wrote
ACiD_80 t1_jaf1dvl wrote
stripclub calls it is
VisualMod t1_jacybcz wrote