VisualMod t1_jacd762 wrote
>1) Short the euro against the dollar. The euro is already at risk of devaluation, and if more properties come on to the market in Europe it will put further downward pressure on prices. 2) Go long on commodities like gold and oil. If there is a global economic slowdown, demand for these assets will increase as investors seek safe havens.
MrPuffer23 t1_jaceq2k wrote
Spain and Portugal have been seeing a rural decline for decades as the younger population moves towards the larger cities or other countries for work. This is not a reflection on recent economic situations but due to years of neglect on rural infrastructure.
[deleted] t1_jacesey wrote
grimkhor t1_jaceuo8 wrote
You mean the problem all over the world that people don't want to live in small towns and move to cities driving up big city prices and leaving small towns overwhelmingly vacant?
Dan_inKuwait t1_jacexaz wrote
Removed. Maybe better shared in a real estate sub?
Guilty-Ham t1_jacf0xy wrote
Those for sale are from British expats. Britain's Brexit caused this a few years ago. Nothing new. Just homes sitting vacant and which have been devaluing the property market with the saturation of excess homes.
VisualMod t1_jacd6pp wrote