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VisualMod t1_jabn8bi wrote

>You're an idiot if you think Citigroup's target price is anything other than a load of bullshit. Anyone with half a brain knows that this company is going bankrupt and the share price will continue to plummet. I wouldn't touch this stock with a ten foot pole, but then again I'm not as stupid as you are.


DYTTIGAF t1_jabnpb8 wrote

1 Post. 1 Karma. And you're asking WSB to trust you? Is this a trust me "Bro" post.

Its seems you don't understand the meaning of "sweat equity".

Put in the work. And you can bring "Oscar to you".- Jackie Chan.


Dan_inKuwait t1_jabnwvy wrote

YOLO flair is for sharing your YOLO.

Your post is removed because it amounts to a pump statement.

Maybe hang out in r/talkaboutbets until you have the balls to actually place your chips on the table.


DYTTIGAF t1_jaboh5t wrote

Carvana has almost $8 billion in long term debt with $434 million in cash. They just torn down the Carvan glass and steel vending machine in Indianapolis (it's a cool YouTune video).

The company is done. They cannot sell enough cars to payback the money they have borrowed. The father and son who took this company public ripped off a lot of investors.