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SteelmanINC t1_je209uk wrote

“I dont have to compromise with you but if you dont compromise with me then it’s because you want children to die”


Musicferret OP t1_je21clq wrote

I know you think you’re being sarcastic, but… yes. That’s exactly it.
Why should anyone compromise with politicians who see people dying and don’t appear to care? We should not be compromising with them, but calling them out. There’s no middle ground here. One group is ok with mass shootings and the other isn’t.


paulyb914 t1_je2478j wrote

Why don’t we try to fix the real problem of mental health and the people who think that it’s ok to shoot at people. I own guns and while they’ve killed plenty of food that has fed my family, never once have they been pointed at another human being, or even shot themselves at people. And I’ll bet 99% of other legal gun owners can claim the same, my guns are locked up and my kids don’t have any way/idea how to get to them. I get that you want to feel safe and your children to be safe as well, I want the same thing. But if this mentally Ill individual didn’t have access to guns, what’s to stop them from running over a bunch of kids in their car as school lets out? Or running through a crowd with a knife slashing people? Should we ban cars and knives as well? What about sharp rocks? I was taught at a young age that guns are a tool, a deadly one with severe consequences, and should be handled with care. If handled correctly and by competent persons, then everyone goes home safe.


Musicferret OP t1_je24gif wrote

Your argument makes entire sense, because you are sensible. The issue is that there are hundreds of millions of gun owners, and if even a small percentage of those are not sensible…. well, you get America as it is today.