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-holdmyhand t1_jdysjcz wrote

The result will always be the opposite. - The Public on Jim Cramer probably.


BourboneAFCV t1_jdyvnl5 wrote

Everyone is shorting the market right now, its a good time to do the opposite


IsoAgent t1_jdyy2ml wrote

Jim Cramer is the type of guy who would return car rentals full of trash.


TheThirdRnner t1_jdyy3tu wrote

Banks are going to Shrek dick for 40 days and 40 nights now. Thanks Jimmy.


Apha-apha t1_jdz2t75 wrote

Yolo on BAC calls.. inverse Jim Cramer🚀🚀


goatmasterjr t1_jdz45h6 wrote

Why they keep em around? Betcha he blows good 😃


MajorFerret3225 t1_jdz6u19 wrote

Cant believe the government took over and shut it down and sold everything to another bank for a discount so fast. No one even knew what was happening. Its like it was planned, no one could of predicted it or anything. Governments full of fascists.


Testcase13779 t1_jdzc9xj wrote

My grip on my PACW and WAL just got a little more unyielding.


Simkinn1 t1_jdzcqn5 wrote

Holding Frc, BAC and KBE, FRC my main focus


ak0415 t1_jdzf8pc wrote

What if he's right this time, I mean wrong, right? Uh...


tsassi t1_jdzigtq wrote

Yeah, thanks Cramer, you are the worst, ah best 👍


Imrhino51 t1_jdzjrfk wrote

Cramer that guy said the housing market will never crash and trashing people who predicted it would Jim Cramer


galt035 t1_jdzp5ak wrote

Sooooo we are about to have a systemic banking crisis.. fuck me


Tahmeed09 t1_jdzpwkm wrote

Wow looks like recession is recancelled. Thanks jim


BlownCamaro t1_jdzq1zb wrote

I won big selling puts on C and BAC. Closed out 70% wins in only 2 days!


LuisTechnology t1_jdzszyt wrote

Work like clockwork 😌Just listen to him on reverse 🔄 it’s the same as doing the opposite lmao


One_Temperature3119 t1_je0238g wrote

“First Citizens Bank outperforms market on Monday”

-SeekingAlpha at 4 pm, probably


Queef_Latifahh t1_je026el wrote

As an outsider I’m getting the impression to do the opposite of whatever Jim Cramer says.


ss68and66 t1_je08cs0 wrote

This guy's an idiot, earnings and dividends are two weeks away...


Artistic_Gene_5217 t1_je0a342 wrote

Cramer will sell his grandmother if he can make a buck out of it then say oh I was always acting in her best interests


ODBrewer t1_je0bedi wrote

He’s just desperately trying to be right about something, anything.


colli1987 t1_je0ki6k wrote

XELA 🚀🚀🚀💰🚀💰💰💵🚀💵💰🇺🇸💰💵🚀💵💰🇺🇸💰💰💵🚀🇺🇸💰💵💵🚀💵💰💰💰💵💵💵💵💵


ollie-tine t1_je0ry60 wrote

If Cramer is saying this, we’re in the first inning.


Usual-Scarcity-4295 t1_je1nsgf wrote

They crashed SVB on purpose. It was definitely an effort to Target the crypto industry. The most obvious point they have made is that crypto is a threat to the fed.


ThePugz t1_je1tbw0 wrote

Never was a bank crisis for one to be over. There was literally never any crisis at all, whatsoever. LMMFAO


Welvy88 t1_je1vbo7 wrote

oh damn, time to all in frc


W1nn1gAtL1fe t1_je1xgcr wrote

Fuck, I need to get out of my bear positions ASAP


Psych-25 t1_je2fbgs wrote

Watch it be the ONE TIME he's right 😂


peykari t1_je2ffgo wrote

he wears apple watch. i am buying some apple puts now.


Pengufen t1_je2jos2 wrote

The one time I'm mad Jim Cramer's bearish. I wanted to short banks this week.


Thin_Difficulty_1319 t1_je2ktur wrote

Well he was right about that. I don't agree with him on most things but it won't, you can't make more land it will always sell for more year over year. The wealthiest people in the world deal real estate. It's never going to die


Imrhino51 t1_je2tibm wrote

Yeah but he’ll be fine because our taxes bail them out after their friends in politics rig the system like Bush did. Yeah real estate is a good invest. Of course my 401K got killed and o know just average people who lost their homes. No bail out for them. They have everyone playing right/left game when it’s rich poor everyone fighting over transgender nonsense while we’re being banged in the ass by the rich


bigoptionwhale777 t1_je3hrev wrote

Tomorrow I will be buying quality names like Bank of America and Jpm. Easy money over the next two years.

Thanks jimmy