Submitted by NeedThoseGains69 t3_126xcmt in wallstreetbets
VisualMod t1_jebd5f9 wrote
>I don't really care about bears or their opinion. I'm only interested in making money, and if they're standing in the way of that then they're my enemy.
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jebdem9 wrote
Amen vizzy.
phantomofthej t1_jebdh0i wrote
Wedgtable t1_jebep73 wrote
Too accurate
Sweaty_Economics_452 t1_jebgm0s wrote
For now. Just for now.🐻🐨🐼🐻❄️
stopdrinking--stupid t1_jebgnjh wrote
pretty accurate actually.
eclectic22 t1_jebgvjw wrote
regarded bears
dandoggydog t1_jebgyiq wrote
I look at the put/call OIs and I reach a new level of disappointment, reading the put chart. Check out tomorrow for spy/qqq, for example.
Tell me we [should] rally without telling me we rally.
Middle_Name-Danger t1_jebh9iu wrote
I think Squidward tentacle fucks his clarinet and inks all over the walls like a Jackson Pollock
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jebhhtz wrote
Doball t1_jebihhs wrote
Does anyone else just creep on this sub, see posts, then immediately go to the comments to see what VisualMod has to say about it? Every time I am not disappointed.
[deleted] t1_jebisgn wrote
Wrathb0ne t1_jebm79g wrote
Haven’t seen much gain porn in awhile
1boltsfan t1_jebmrtp wrote
To be fair, we bulls are only making back the cash we lost earlier this month
[deleted] t1_jebna39 wrote
Breezy_t t1_jebnrlq wrote
Bear gang always makes a comeback and our puts will print
GrizzBear57 t1_jebnskq wrote
Why is this listed as a meme when it’s a shitpost?
reubendahsandwich t1_jebqu0y wrote
Still winter for the bear
theworkinpumpkin t1_jebru8s wrote
This is amazing
Youngerdiogenes t1_jebs7da wrote
It hurts
Youngerdiogenes t1_jebs7wg wrote
Youngerdiogenes t1_jebs8j9 wrote
gangix t1_jebsb0e wrote
What will happen to market if there are 100% calls and 0 puts?
shaun678 t1_jebt0oy wrote
Lol bears
Excellent-External-7 t1_jebtmbk wrote
Allahu akber
Objective-Tax-9922 t1_jebtw03 wrote
Market only goes up
Michaeldr0p t1_jebu80q wrote
To be fair I’m only down 90% this year . But I’m somehow up 50% the past 2 days yet I only have a small fraction of what I started with. This just doesn’t add up 🤷♂️🧐🧐🧐
2021MARKETCRASH t1_jebukyl wrote
Bold move Cotton.
Bougie_Mane t1_jebvpbj wrote
We're totally all making money, right guys
Idennatua t1_jebwl5t wrote
Time_Manufacturer645 t1_jebwogv wrote
50% of 10% is 15% percent of the original, congrats you only need another 670% gain to zero out
figlu t1_jebythj wrote
Penny stock I am holding finally pulled a profit after 3 years of holding. No more ramen for me bois.
cristofolmc t1_jec0kkn wrote
Fuck your puts fuck your calls, Powell has you by the balls.
[deleted] t1_jec1btp wrote
kodaksdad2020 t1_jec23ry wrote
Wait till JPM rolls their collar tomorrow. Will be interesting
Christianman01 t1_jec2puz wrote
Bears last year 🐻🐻❄️ Bears this year 🐨🐼
tipbruley t1_jec30if wrote
You guys are making it back?
My-Cousin-Bobby t1_jec3hzt wrote
I have found there are a shocking number of people who don't understand this concept lol
[deleted] t1_jec3k28 wrote
Kitten_Team_Six t1_jec461b wrote
Making money on what?
[deleted] t1_jec4zal wrote
reddituseranyonymous t1_jec52sj wrote
My brokerage account is down like 99% from ATH :(
Just realized my brokerage account had more money at the end of the bubble in 2002 than it does now
My retirement account is down about 50% from ATH but has gone from [new account] to like $170k now
reddituseranyonymous t1_jec54kk wrote
lynkarion t1_jec6c5b wrote
You guys are making money?
Thegreenpatriot t1_jec6yj3 wrote
This is my sign to double down on my puts thanks
matjoeman t1_jec74uw wrote
Wtf are you investing in to lose that much?
daddyslimane t1_jec80s4 wrote
I just loaded up on $401p I’ll post the porn when they expire worthless
PrudentFartDiversion t1_jec84lm wrote
smdinosaur t1_jeca6c2 wrote
Soon. . .
smdinosaur t1_jecaliw wrote
I went to the dark side and now im slowly making back the loses. Why play against marketmakerd when they fk everyone? Im in theta gang now. I see a play that makes sense to me. Go to options and pick one id buy. If it has a big open interest... instead of buying it and going with my gut, i just write one. Inevitably when the premium goes down i buy to close for profit
Kingty1124 t1_jecbhre wrote
I feel like he’s more of a person than I am…
“One of us!” “One of us!” “One of us!”
Kingty1124 t1_jecbjzy wrote
I like red more than green!
trymorecookies t1_jecbspm wrote
You mean everything resetting every two weeks? Bulls and bears are doing the same for like 2 years.
the_shalashaska t1_jecbttd wrote
PSA: Stock Market ROARED throughout the entirety of Volcker hikes in the 1980s.
Due-Marsupial-1018 t1_jecbwbn wrote
Is this a chicago sports meme?
LeftistTears69420 t1_jecca99 wrote
What stock call options are printing money rn lol lmk
Sven_Golliwog t1_jeccbtl wrote
Dow’s down for one month, 3 month, YTD, 1 year, and eggs cost 12 dollars………but yeah super bullish bro.
DayOfDingus t1_jeccm61 wrote
I was trying so hard to rationalize how you were able to fuck up this bad for so long until I realized yup that's a gambling addiction.
Outside-Pirate4279 t1_jecd7f4 wrote
Haha fk em.
worxbestonbread t1_jecdeks wrote
I’m not down anymore cause I added to my portfolio
That-Whereas3367 t1_jecdmty wrote
LMAO. The S&P500 has to rise 1000 points just get back to the September 2021 high (inflation adjusted).
reddituseranyonymous t1_jecdpz7 wrote
You're not good at being rational then. Not having a plan and bad advice from an idiot at Morgan Stanley cost me 70%
bane-jammin t1_jecds63 wrote
Keep buying calls until Cramer turns bullish
7222_salty t1_jecdva9 wrote
Need a reverse meme for those of us who sold in September…
Loose_Mail_786 t1_jece9nv wrote
Be a bear when market is bullish and be a bull when market is bearish. Not sure if I understood the quote from Warren correctly.
reddituseranyonymous t1_jecf593 wrote
I had $TSLA Dec 2021 $800C/$1200C in October 2021 Tesla went up 80% in a month. My account went ballastic. It went from roughly 400k to 1,100,000
Peaking the trading day before Elon asked Twitter about paying Taxes. I spent the weekend wondering what the hell to do with the money. So many things I could do. I didn't have plan for my account going up 500% in a month. I considered cashing out the options, asked Morgan Stanley about buying $QYLD. They said dont. I had no idea what to do. I figured the stock would recover from a CEO sale soon, like most stocks do. It didnt.
That cost me 70%.
I forgot that no one cares how much cash you have in savings unless the bank fails. I could have put $600k in savings until I came up with a plan.
jamesnoonen t1_jecfg1g wrote
As a person that lives in Chicago, I was very confused at first.
WinterExtreme9316 t1_jecfq5t wrote
They're not standing in the way though -- they're standing inside the AC vent pipe (or wherever that is), and creepily looking at us through the blinds.
Johnpmusic t1_jecfu0v wrote
Im only down 49% lets goo!
Majestic_Account123 t1_jecgsct wrote
"Newschool bears"
Old school bears take it 5% @ a time.
Snoo_96430 t1_jechdyr wrote
Its because Bers are shitty humans and deserve not but misery.
drgreen420 t1_jechi9k wrote
Hmm whatcha mean?
Is it even possible to dump when every damn expiry is like 2:1 on puts and calls. Crazy
kodaksdad2020 t1_jechowm wrote
You should look at what the strikes are. Can it dump when there’s a ton of puts expiring down at 340? Sure it can. Can it dump when JPM unloads their call side of their collar tomorrow? Yes it can
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jechxon wrote
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jechykh wrote
Electricengineer t1_jecid8g wrote
That stops tomorrow
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jeciwml wrote
Michaeldr0p t1_jecjap1 wrote
Oh . See luckily I’m poor so I just get to learn from my mistakes it doesn’t really financially devastate me. I just go back to eating ramen and it’s just another day.
1boltsfan t1_jecje1u wrote
I was down roughly 125k earlier, now down about 70k. It's fine, it will come back, I don't buy penny stock though
No_Entertainer_9890 t1_jecji7x wrote
"there's always a bear market somewhere"
dagiantfox87 t1_jeck8qg wrote
If bull market true why charts look like used kotex?
dundiewinnah t1_jecks22 wrote
You guys are getting gains?
drgreen420 t1_jecksav wrote
I truly don't think the market will ever dip again haha
kodaksdad2020 t1_jeckuah wrote
Jumanji1492 t1_jecl0ii wrote
As a bull I’m only down 75% from where I was in 2021 compared to 90% 2 months ago. Bears keep saying we are gonna crash it’s hard to go lower when you’re at the bottom already and stop saying it’s 2008 because it’s actually 2023
Gotl0stinthesauce t1_jecl6bd wrote
Shhh bro, they’re all convinced that the US financial system is going to collapse because some shitty managed and over leveraged bank called SVB (and a few small other non SIBs) are the catalyst to it all 🤡🤡
[deleted] t1_jeclhpq wrote
ClassyPenguin23 t1_jecln6q wrote
Closing out 60ish DTE calls tomorrow. Probably waiting til next week to hop back aboard the put train (or if/when $410 is reached). Lost enough on puts early in the week - doubling down hurt.
Might as well ride the wave up for now, even if I do think it’s insanity.
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jeclwnv wrote
imagine betting against America, the literal greatest
NeedThoseGains69 OP t1_jecm4z6 wrote
insanity is still being a bear after getting repeatedly fucked
[deleted] t1_jecmbrm wrote
ClassyPenguin23 t1_jecmdar wrote
This is the way.
Jaffa_Tealk t1_jecmnkt wrote
If I knew how to successfully pull off options trading maybe I’d still loose money.
joohunter420 t1_jecmpn7 wrote
He’s not investing. He’s gambling
AutisticTaintSniffer t1_jecnd28 wrote
Dude I can’t wait for that best of u/VisualMod comments compilation video to be uploaded onto YouTube. I’m all about it
atticjb t1_jecoh98 wrote
skyrimpacman t1_jecoqhs wrote
You guys are making money?
Pengufen t1_jecp8e2 wrote
We will have our revenge on those greedy fools... He he he, MWA HA HA HA HAHA!!!!!
AutoModerator t1_jecp8fo wrote
Bagholder spotted.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
komokazi t1_jecq5ss wrote
mf a retirement, wendys here we come
adoseofcommonsense t1_jecqic9 wrote
Earlier this year. shieeet
Playful-View-6174 t1_jecqozo wrote
Don’t delete your account like the last one ;)
Various_Lack7541 t1_jecrs4i wrote
These “markets” are just casinos for dudes with MBAs. They aren’t based on any reality at all since they are 100% reliant on Money Supply increases.
amd_air t1_jecs40j wrote
I'm a bull and ive lost loads of cash. I was better off in 2021..
Anxiety_Organic t1_jecshe9 wrote
This post is bearish
FrickinNick t1_jecslh7 wrote
For a second I thought this was a Chicago sports sub and got really confused lol
ScissorMcMuffin t1_jecswhq wrote
Never had the money.
Talic15 t1_jectzo1 wrote
ihadtopoop- t1_jecu0vi wrote
Actually true only 17% down now
fleur_waratah_girl t1_jecu4e8 wrote
I actually had to check which sub this came from 😂
fkthewholeleft t1_jecupdo wrote
I’ve been a bull the past 3 weeks. The fact that everyone is going bull I’m gunna sell.
reddituseranyonymous t1_jecv7et wrote
I have an Etrade account near ATH I asked for help, they gave me a guy from Morgan Stanley. I asked him about cashing out my options and buying $QYLD he said not to. I didn't really have another plan. I should have just said fuck it and done it anyway. Had I done so Id have about 1500 shares of $TSLA, 20,000 shares of QYLD and enough cash left over for a 20% down payment on a house.
I looked at the QYLD dividend history since my ATH. The smallest was $0.169.... at 20k shares that's $3380/month, just about 40k a year. Not enough to quit and retire early, but enough to set things on cruise control.
Heck. I could have increased my 401k contribution at work, lowering my taxable income from work, and offset some of the in taxes from the dividend payments.
contrejo t1_jecvaf3 wrote
He's gotta point. Buy calls on the dips
drew8311 t1_jecxla0 wrote
They only get cash from selling which makes them bears too
colinlaughery t1_jecydjp wrote
Only if a hawk flies overhead.
GanSoku t1_jecz0l7 wrote
Yep, 1.2k to go
Constant_Emphasis_22 t1_jecz2o5 wrote
Bro this is taught at 6th grade level our population averages out at 2nd grade
Huge_Effective_4727 t1_jeczf1c wrote
wait until you find out that you're still playing against market makers
kyliecannoli t1_jecziid wrote
I like that nickname! I shall call it that from now on
PhaseTraditional1707 t1_jed0du3 wrote
Everything is fine
rokman t1_jed0tod wrote
How it’s this even possible? How can you keep adding cash to your brokerage and picking loser after loser with never considering changing the strategy
reddituseranyonymous t1_jed1390 wrote
Its possible because I didnt do anything you said.
Buy Tesla pre split: 300% gain. Buy Tesla options: 500% gain. 15x in 15 months. Boom. Done.
Get overwhelmed when the 500% gain happens in a month. Get bad advice. Options for end of year go to $0
Now down 70% from ATH
Ok-Run5317 t1_jed1445 wrote
it's stupid to be a perma bear or bull. change your skin as per the season.
MangoLegitimate9830 t1_jed21he wrote
Old School bears are @The Blue Oyster for leather night
[deleted] t1_jed3q8k wrote
richbeezy t1_jed40rj wrote
70% of Bears also bought the top in late '21
[deleted] t1_jed4h0s wrote
HeldbackInGradeK t1_jed642y wrote
Why be a bull or a bear when you can be a chicken-moose-wolf-pig?
Dan_inKuwait t1_jed7y6o wrote
Always has been.
Fightingforpars t1_jed9bg0 wrote
My target stock price for some tech stocks hit my buying range on 3/9. SVB broke on 3/10 - so I’m like - dang - this thing is gonna go lower. FOMC was right around the corner and I thought Jpow was gonna smack the bulls in the head some more.
I waited and Waited …. And …. Sigh … still waiting.
Bears are too rational for this crazy market
Sensible_Thoughts t1_jedet2f wrote
Okay but that is like the last two years. How was your account larger in the dot com bubble than it is now?
prolific36 t1_jedexhg wrote
Finally this sub is bullish, I now know it's time for puts to print
evsarge t1_jedi8hq wrote
Been short since January 2022, n’a I’m good.
Ill-Expression1737 t1_jedj4r7 wrote
“loads of cash”
Raito69420 t1_jedk2al wrote
So many "bears are fuk" posts. This will not end well 🤣
[deleted] t1_jedl81j wrote
reddituseranyonymous t1_jedmwzc wrote
Math. My account low in 2002 is roughly where my account is now
RutabagaLeather3665 t1_jednor5 wrote
Why invest in ATH in the first place wouldn’t you be up on almost anything else right now???
tel0s17 t1_jedoo24 wrote
There are no bulls when 80% of trades are being made off exchange.
some_guy919 t1_jedot6g wrote
Always be bullish. If a meteor is scheduled to crash into the Earth by the end of the week, I'm buying out OTM calls on spy.
reddituseranyonymous t1_jedy59m wrote
ATH is all time high
RutabagaLeather3665 t1_jedyc9c wrote
My bad, I read wrong.
green9206 t1_jedzrf4 wrote
That's literally opposite of what one must do. Trend is your friend.
RoboticGreg t1_jee2h06 wrote
I have never bothered to remember which one is bull market and which one is best market, and honestly, yall have proven you don't either
jimmycarr1 t1_jee5ogi wrote
And being a gambling addict is what caused you to listen to that idiot
Austenny t1_jee5z1j wrote
I’d fuck a gay bear in the ass with my horny gains right now.
reddituseranyonymous t1_jee67hf wrote
LMAO. If you believe that you definitely belong here
Routine-Ambition-816 t1_jee79hs wrote
Time will come 🥸
EconHuman t1_jee7ybg wrote
Always amazes me how stupid people from the US are
EconHuman t1_jee82fl wrote
Are you joking or are you actually regarded?
stalagmiteman t1_jee91rg wrote
As I Chicago sports fan thinking this was a chibears post I was very confused
DeadStringScrolls t1_jeee4ht wrote
loads? people still are nowhere near where they were 5-6 months ago.
beep-boop-bop-robot t1_jeejxer wrote
Soon Squidward will be one of those bankers taking photos of the occupy walstreet protesters once this shit finally pops
NagatoKami t1_jeekbn6 wrote
Bold of you to assume that bulls are making money. Both are getting fcked in this kangaroo market.
[deleted] t1_jeelrpy wrote
Kimorin t1_jeewf3h wrote
wheel never stops turning...
xxpatrixxx t1_jeex357 wrote
I know better than to short this massive bubble. However it didn’t hit the level I wanted to buy. Literally like a couple of points. I guess in this sub not losing money makes me a winner by default right?
CactusJuice_Enjoyer t1_jeey965 wrote
Why be a bear or a bull when you can be both
Sensible_Thoughts t1_jef3fgq wrote
Yeah we re asking how you managed to lose all the money you made in like 20 years. Assuming you kept investing regularly. It doesn’t really make sense unless you just saved up money and then bought a shit ton of options. Which if true, who’s the idiot the guy at Morgan Stanley or you?
reddituseranyonymous t1_jef4ppx wrote
Id say the idiot is you considering you want information from me but you're being an asshole instead of being polite. So go fuck yourself
Sensible_Thoughts t1_jef6evb wrote
Idk where you think you are, but you certainly belong.
dead_in_the_sand t1_jefqu3e wrote
see if you can post this next year
Moist_Promotion_97 t1_jefzve3 wrote
[deleted] t1_jegza8t wrote
VisualMod t1_jebd4qk wrote