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Minimum-Ad-2026 t1_jdb7ut6 wrote

This little bitch. Dammit, was up nice...then all gone and deep red. That damn muthertrucker


Wisesize t1_jdb8bvv wrote

Forget this guys name but he's with Bloomberg. Does a solid job when he's covering jobs reports, CPI, etc.


j4k3b t1_jdb8ofh wrote

That smile looks just like the troll face.


iWriteYourMusic t1_jdb8x07 wrote

It’s a funny meme I guess but I don’t think his question had anything to do with the market drop. He asked his question about 15 minutes prior to the drop… which coincided with Yellen’s comments.


Schlower288 t1_jdb992y wrote

This guy saved the market and I think he knows it


miamiboi t1_jdb9bmd wrote

He really saved my puts in the last 15 seconds of the session thank you sir


X-Boozemonkey-X t1_jdbfsed wrote

I dont know why hes so sad in the picture my bro is the beariest bear to ever bear. Every time he comes on bloomberg hes like" economy is shit, all numbers are lies, bears rule the world, put this dick in your ass and this gun in your mouth."


cliffhanger100 t1_jdbjhwl wrote

Guy is competing with Cramer but is a super fast version I guess


Ommmmom t1_jdbkz4s wrote

This Q/A was the exact moment the market blinked 👀


Odd-Block-2998 t1_jdbm3ik wrote

I like how a reporter who doesn't understand how macro economy works asked a clarifying question that results in market correction of 3.3M times his annual salary in 1 hour. img


GreatGatsby00 t1_jdbnpbc wrote

Sometimes I wonder what WallStreetBets ASMR would sound like. ^___^


Jebusfreek666 t1_jdbsc74 wrote

This guy is one of my heroes! No joke, I am sending him a thank you card tomorrow!


soyuz-1 t1_jdbwrvj wrote

Im glad i stopped investing in this manipulated nonsense


locoturco t1_jdc82y5 wrote

He knew the answer but he asked anyway


JotaroTheOceanMan t1_jdc86hh wrote

He looks like someone stole Nathan Lane and Patton Oswalts genes but used a dirty tank when making the clone.


youdirtyhoe t1_jdc8sja wrote

That part sucked. Thought jpow was gonna be dovish like everyone else. I was wrong.


Stock-Pension1803 t1_jdc8xmr wrote

Well for one thinking they are in any sort of trouble.$16 billion in profit for 2022 indicates that whatever ape nonsense this Twitter page is spewing, is pretty insignificant.

The sequoia “bailout” is anything but. It’s just an outside investment. Money makes money and these guys know this very well.


tickle-tickle t1_jdc9dxo wrote

It was Yellen who turn the market. She was talking the same time jpow was. She said she not going to support uninsured bank account. Opposite of what jpow said


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jdc9r14 wrote

He's well aware of what he was asking. He's from Bloomberg and writes economics articles on the same team as Matt Levine and many other econ-nerds. Some samples from his Twitter this week:

> For all the fears generated by massive Twitter misunderstanding of the central bank swap lines announcement yesterday... Today @ecb had one bid for $5 million; @bankofengland , BOJ , @SNB_BNS had zero. No funding stress at the moment.

> Why new @federalreserve lending isn't QE or the end of QT: The Bank Term Lending Program accepts Treasuries and MBS for one year from #banks looking to shore up their balance sheets. That money is not going to be used by those banks for investments or loans. 1/2

> And they're not going to buy Treasuries or MBS with it. It's not going into the economy. And it has to be paid back, with (admittedly nominal) interest. Loans to @FDICgov receiver banks also have to be paid back and aren't going into the economy. 2/2

Dude is 100% cutting to the heart of the matter and doesn't care about whatever retail / cryptoscam narratives are being pumped on Youtube and Fintwit.


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jdca2x3 wrote

Except that's not what Powell said. Powell is leaving open the door to the possibility that further chaos may impede their ability to raise the long term rate, forcing them to delay but not pause raising rates while they resolve the next crisis. He's essentially telegraphing a subject they just finished discussing in FOMC.

If the FOMC were still focused on figuring out the scale of the damage from additional, post-SVB/Signature bank failures (i.e. if FRC or others had fallen), they might not have worried about a rate hike at this moment. As Powell said, additional bank failures in the short term were taking more money out than their interest rate hike could do. That's why they didn't do 50bps in this meeting.


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jdcae5g wrote

This reporter probably has a better understanding of the economics involved than you and the entire generation of people who were stupid enough to support your dumb existence long enough so that you can write your moronic comment. Dude sits on the economic bench for Bloomberg, and is their chosen guy to go sit at a FOMC presser. His inert Press credential to get in there has more economic awareness than your entire brain. Read his Twitter you poor, deluded, dumb piece of shit:


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jdcarsa wrote

You probably forget most of the people in here are trading in broker accounts with "betting pools" so low they can't even qualify for real time quotes. They're probably watching a 15 minute candle update on Yahoo Finance, thinking the entire movement happened all at once. These are the same people talking about gap downs/ups like the Asian and European markets don't exist.


PurplerRain t1_jdcdqgc wrote

Bro had calls. You can see it in his face.


itsdone20 t1_jdck51o wrote

My dad had the same expression when he saw me last October lol


ballmode t1_jdcklri wrote

Imagine being a reporter for years and this is what people will remember you by...


J7mbo t1_jdcnsix wrote

Fck around and find out


Assist_Lumpy t1_jdcoexg wrote

I keep seeing people reference this guy what was the actual question and answer?


Rick_e_bobby t1_jdcpffl wrote

Does anyone seriously believe cuts are coming? Recency bias has everyone blinded, 2024 maybe but probably 2025 for first cuts, you heard it here first


spac420 t1_jdcr1vm wrote

The pivot pivit pivout on pivot during pivit when pivot pivots? No.


Commercial-Brief9458 t1_jdcr2zi wrote

I was waiting for someone to finally say this. If anything, he was laughing at the absurdity of it all. I'm alarmed to conclude that this website is full of children now, and has been diluted to the point where very little can be extracted amidst the noise.


Iceman_B t1_jdcty9f wrote

Smoothbrain here, can someone explain what transpired in this conversation?


HulksInvinciblePants t1_jdcu4i6 wrote

Anyone paying attention to recent Fed speak, which I’m sure includes this guy, knew what the answer would be.

The Fed has every reason to sow doubt on the timing of rate decreases and keep markets subdued. What was he going to say? “Yes, we’ve peaked so let’s price everything like risk free returns are about plummet”.


VicChaos69 t1_jdcycrd wrote

Only person on Bloomberg that doesn’t wipe their guests ass


qazwer001 t1_jdczjjx wrote

When it was below 100k the subreddit theme added a digit to subscriber count. I joined when there were 13k or so degenerate gamblers. I miss the good old days of penny stocks and fscomeau or however his username is spelt. He was a paper trading fraud but still. Good times.


SisterStiffer t1_jdd1xg5 wrote

No, the surprise in what jpow said was that the feds model💃💃 suggests no more rate increases(assuming all stays the same) but the market has a .25 increase priced in for may. So the market had to adjust for no more rate hikes instead of +.25.

The big fish were just shuffling money around, its good-ish news so only up from here. We'll beat february's highs shortly. img


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jdd34bl wrote

Do you want to be the 67 year old wearing diapers at the slots wagering on 1:billion odds, or do you want to wager on single shoe blackjack with a counting system and an understanding of basic odds?

Just because it is a casino doesn't mean you need to get fucked with that loser attitude of yours.


chartedlife t1_jdd59ry wrote

No no, I agree completely with your statement and the one previously too. I was just doing the "sir this is a Wendy's" joke because so many people on this sub are superbly undereducated with a gambler's mindset.

I don't do options or anything like that, I mostly buy physical silver lately.


qwerty12345qazwsx t1_jddanlo wrote

4 trillion for 2% of the market looks very high, that means there is 200 trillion in the market


Aarschotdachaubucha t1_jddwgvr wrote

They're moving it from one bank to another in most cases. In the cases where its being spent down (i.e. a lot of the startups that are burning VC cash on payroll, OPEX/CAPEX, etc.) that money was going into the economy either way, regardless of which bank it sat at.

What is happening though is a bunch of banks are getting defacto taxed to cover SVB and Signature's shortfalls on asset sales just to make sure those depositors can move banks, and that money that gets taxed will be replenishing the empty FDIC piggy bank for insurance. For the banks not affected by SVB, they're recapitalized with the funds they've borrowed, and then pay it back with minor interest to Treasury which gets to use it against the US budget anyways.


Normal_Ant_4612 t1_jdegb6b wrote

I wonder if he hadn’t asked that question and nobody else asked anything seemingly as direct, if the market would have continued on a positive note from that meeting..


whateverr147 t1_jdeqosr wrote

My strategy of doing completely opposite of what WSB says did pay out; everyone started shitting on bears and imagining new bull runs and i was like "K its time to short" I even 10x leveraged that shit. Too bad it was still a wimpy sum, but hey free money is free.


JumperNew t1_jdewe5s wrote

Man single handedly fucked the market


PmPare t1_jdf223y wrote

There was a correction?


AlexJamesCook t1_jdf27fe wrote

This is more, "I asked a rhetorical question with all the smugness but got burned by the response".

Kinda like when those people from a US morning show asked a fashion designer about what she knew about political topics, and she said, "It's because I read the books and did my due diligence on that topoc". The "gotcha" question got them instead of her.

It's a thing of beauty.


DetroitRedWings79 t1_jdfeprl wrote

The dude is literally making the “troll” face from that meme that circulated around like 2009-2012 on 4chan.