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t1_jdjqg40 wrote

I love these posts where you can tell exactly what kind of position the poster has img


t1_jdk5sb5 wrote

Every single 🌈🐻 post in wsb are huge put bagholders img


t1_jdjst2e wrote

It seems “obvious” that the market is going to crash, right? Yet, look around, everyone has jobs and 2-3 percent mortgages. For the short term (through April), I’d be bullish. Historically in May you go away, so you can consider a different strategy at that point; however, pulling out entirely will be a mistake. There will be money to be made in certain sectors. We haven’t fully felt the effects of interest rate hikes yet, so plan on those fun times in Q3 and Q4 of this year. Again though, be in the right sectors for when/if something like that happened. If you are long, who cares? Just roll. Keep buying and buying and buying.


t1_jdjtig4 wrote

And buying


t1_jdju1y4 wrote

And buying


t1_jdjw8re wrote

And buying


t1_jdjx83h wrote

And buying


t1_jdjynxc wrote

And buying


t1_jdk0acx wrote

And buying


t1_jdk279i wrote

And buying


t1_jdk3ej4 wrote

and purchase


t1_jdk2fyx wrote

Crash is always six months away. But everyone has a job. Those at the bottom of the income ladder have gained the most, and they just pump money into the system. Spring break travel is higher than last year. This is the first year without a variant or some other covid issue, so still pent up demand, going back to the office, etc. Interest rates haven't changed debt service for fixed rate mortgage holders. But would I want to own empty office buildings? Hold floating rate debt? Buy my wife's boyfriend a house? Not in 6 months, no.


t1_jdk5639 wrote

One thing I've noticed is that the internet, especially Reddit and tiktok, have become hostile to any young person not toeing the party line that they're suffering. Part of it was a collective effort to make the case for student loan forgiveness, but it seems like it's gone further than that now.

I'm not saying that nobody is suffering, just that anecdotes are especially unreliable if there's a game element to it.


t1_jdk804q wrote

Interesting to see someone bring this up, but yeah it's fuckin gross. Everyone in my generation is a whiny antiwork bitch crying for institutions to save them and living off their OnlyFans and I'm just over here making money pressing buttons in my basement a couple times a day. Ship them all to China honestly.


t1_jdk1ub3 wrote

Some people even have 3! We have so much employment companies are posting positions that only Bigfoot riding on the back of a unicorn smoking Dracula's pubes can fill.

I agree, this feels very similar to March '08 but with $1.5Q in global all sector debt derivatives, $400T of which have been created in the last 4 years. There's going to be bank to made when the government turns the printing press on for reals this time, not like that piddling 2020 shit. Commodites, energy and resource extraction are going to fuckin print.


t1_jdk44h1 wrote

This is just not true lol - try looking for actual jobs right now, it’s not pretty


t1_jdk5tvg wrote

I know, they just post impossible ones to fill so they can import indians or just in case Jesus returns and wants to become a full stack developer


t1_jdjtvzg wrote

Because everyone our age grew up in the largest bull run and thinks that stocks only always go up. That, and FOMO


t1_jdjxq04 wrote

I mean I hold google their earnings always go up so stonk go up


t1_jdk22ng wrote

40 year secular bull market is winding down. Shits going to get ugly but never doubt exactly how long they can keep the plates spinning


t1_jdjrnls wrote

Maybe you should research bear market rallies. Then you wouldn't have to ask why people are bullish.


t1_jdju4x0 wrote

I’ve learned through the years that trading against sentiment can be pretty profitable. When EVERYONE is super bearish, sometimes market makers are forced to purchase the underlying as a form of risk management against a large influx of puts being purchased, which can drive up prices. And then anyone that’s short get squeezed and is forced to buy back the underlying, further driving up prices. Additionally, most of the time all things considered are already priced in. Markets are a forward looking machine, generally looking 6-9 months into the future. GLHF


t1_jdjrb0b wrote

Yes, because everyone else is bearish then market must be bullish. Always inverse wallstreetbets


t1_jdjq6g6 wrote

>There are a few key variables that you're missing in your analysis. First, the Federal Reserve is not trying to fix the banking system with interest rate hikes – they are trying to slow down inflationary pressures by raising rates. Second, while banks may be seeing unrealized losses on their portfolios, this does not necessarily mean that they are insolvent or unable to support withdrawals. And finally, while markets may be "primed for a bull run," it's important to remember that past performance is no guarantee of future results. So there's no guarantee that just because markets have been doing well recently, they will continue to do so in the future.


t1_jdjs4sk wrote

Everyone waiting for a recession but it already came and went?


t1_jdjsfmm wrote

Can't be right, when recessions come and go the yield curve univerts and steepens and the fed cuts rates many percent. Hasn't happened yet, we're going lower.


t1_jdjudam wrote

Printer goes .. Bbbbrrrrrrrrrr img


t1_jdjvvpt wrote

When you see JPOW with a pale, dull, panicked look you will know it’s time… that shit ages you. Like when Bush read that book upside down 9/11, or Greenspan, and Bernake


t1_jdk0v0h wrote

The market is delusional and has been for a while

I wouldn't be taking large positions in anything other than healthcare , metals and consumer essentials

Eventually this global high interest debt powder keg will go off and when it does it will ripple throughout the world


t1_jdjqhqo wrote

You will never guess the bottom, if your long everything’s discounted at the mo. Pick your dividend paying stocks


t1_jdjwda1 wrote

Because there is a ton of fear and pessimism, justifiably so, and a lot of cash on the sidelines. Yet, there is still tremendous appetite for risk. When everyone is on one side of a trade, you usually want to be on the other.


t1_jdk02ud wrote

Depends on the time frame. Short time is pretty bullish. Longer term is quite bearish.


t1_jdk0ilk wrote

Big boys are pumping up the markets to sell their bags to retail. Seen this movie before. Once they are done selling that’s when you’re moms pension goes to shit and the news starts blaming wsb for putting Ruth who used to work at the plant down the street out of house and home and jerry can’t afford to pay for his kids lunches anymore because the greedy redditors have ruined the markets and caused economic collapse. Am I winning, dad?


OP t1_jdk15fm wrote

It's interesting that you believe the Fed has anything to do with the stock market. Why do you feel that way, and is it always after you get high as hell?


t1_jdk43kf wrote

The reason that be bullish is that everyone is bearish


t1_jdk5h2t wrote

Stocks are priced in dollars, they themselves are not dollars. any inflation, especially hyper-inflation, would be fantastic for stocks in nominal terms.


t1_jdjwkev wrote

Money printer goes brrrr.. rich get richer..


t1_jdk1amt wrote

You should be bullish because someone has to carry these heavy bags for me.


t1_jdk2obg wrote

Because life goes on

Just do your best to not be a fuckin idiot


t1_jdk310n wrote

0.0 percent chance we'll get anything to resemble a bull market. Lot of people who are hoping and praying and investing on any iota of good news.

it's only getting worse now with the banks. Feds are stuck in a bad place. This BIG balloon gonna burst and be very ugly.


OP t1_jdk3by3 wrote

I have a little bit of money on ours as a hedge, but nothing too serious


t1_jdk42hr wrote

I'm bullish because there is no other medium to long term position that makes sense. Short term Nasdaq could go to 8, or Dow 20, but if I don't sell I don't lose. Meanwhile I scale in constantly and play mostly trades that'll make money in a sideways market


t1_jdk5o71 wrote

You might be absolutly right but what do you do with the money. Its value decreases at 10% so actually having a slice of a company makes total sense cause even if it cannot forward 100% it might be able to rise prices by 8% for instance so beeing better of in the future. Furthermore money needs to go somewhere. Its raising interest rates and printing money at the same time that holds the markets stable.

And furthermore beeing so dump like SVB, yeah there will be a few other banks but normally banks buy swaps to protect against changes in rates and banks get money from the FED for their deposits for which they do not pay high interest rates in most cases.

Negative value of bonds and so forth is just transitory so they will get paid back. FED just needs to give money until that is overcome than everything will be fine. (And find a way to take back the money when banks have survived)

Lifes good have a great Friday evening.


t1_jdk5uzc wrote

I think it has to do with known vs. unknown outcomes. When you know something is going to happen, everyone moves differently. The very act of knowing might change the outcome itself. Now the only question is who to believe....any ideas? imgimg


t1_jdk5zjb wrote

I'm bullish on DWAC because the Donald is being talked about on every platform and network. When Truth gets the money, they will be able to buy any number of failing media organizations for pennies on the dollar.


t1_jdk5zox wrote

Because how much worse can it get?


t1_jdk622k wrote

As long as rates keep increasing we will see the market drop. I dont think we can expect much more of a drop in earnings with another .25 raise and ive heard that might be all we need, so this could be near the bottom. Id imagine that for some companies it is the bottom, companies making money in this time is already outpacing the market even if the their price isnt reflective of that. Just buy good companies.


t1_jdk67i5 wrote

Entire business models run on the fact that we’ve had low interest rates for over a decade. We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on how this new environment will affect the economy. I think the rest of the year and the next will be full of ping-ponging between hope and fear. The market will chop around


t1_jdk6d87 wrote

the market expects rate cuts of .5% by eoy fyi. simply said they don’t believe the fed and think the fed does a lot of tough talking to anchor low inflation expectation. inflation will drop to 3% by July. that is already pretty certain. it could possibly underperform even more.


t1_jdk6prv wrote

No Bull no Bear Paradigm mode right now. Dan Peña, Antonio Brown type stuff right now. Let’s go!


t1_jdk6qoa wrote

As long as you're buying a company that makes more money now than it did last quarter, what's to be concerned about?


t1_jdk6r4e wrote

ill take a stab

  1. qt has been reversed
  2. despite crazy amounts of QE inflation adjusted the S&P 500 is not that much higher than pre covid levels
  3. there is no hard and fast reason why the fed will not implicitly accept a higher base line inflation rate if it is strategically expedient
  4. whilst its impossible to say whats on banks' balance sheets, the lack of global fallout from the CS shitshow is telling, large US banks still think their deposits are sticky
  5. ever since 2008, 2008 v 2 has been around the corner, ironically, 2008 v 2 is unlikely to happen until people forget about 2008

fundamentally if the USD moves towards a higher inflation tolerance regime we might see a systemic change in valuation considerations.


t1_jdk6s39 wrote

I really don't want to read all this. It hurts to read. Can I just buy 500 spy calls instead?


t1_jdk71ee wrote

Market goes up over time. During the age of instant gratification, it can be difficult for lizard brains to understand the concept of dollar cost averaging.



t1_jdk74lf wrote

I saw some guy in another thread explain the phantom bullishness that seems to pervade the market even during shit like this. The gist of it was that the market is not a measure of the economy, but of institutional degeneracy and greed (or something like that but said much more intelligently). We'll keep going up because everyone wants to and market makers love making money. It makes a lot of sense when you think of it that way and I'm even going back on being a 🌈🐻 a little. Just until I close this put...


t1_jdk7cvk wrote

The fact that the majority of WSB is bearish is by far the most reason I have to be optimistic. Fuck your puts. The market is already down. You fuckers are late to the game and deserve to lose your shirts.



t1_jdk998p wrote

Because of coronal blast causing spectacular Aurora Borealis over most of Northern Hemisphere. Interesting nerdlinger fact: Southern Hemisphere Aurora are referred to as Aurora Austrialis.


t1_jdkknha wrote

Because nothing in the market makes sense. Down in the morning? Up in the afternoon. Think about sentiment. Then forget about it. Buy high sell low,


t1_jdjysec wrote

The day they announce they are raising the debt ceiling the market is going to explode.


t1_jdjzk2i wrote

3 year refresh cycle of technology components. Companies all upgraded in 2020… end of 2023 is going to have some nice orders come in (companies aren’t reverting to stone tablets). Plus you know, AI.


t1_jdjzkro wrote

Algos will push nasdaq up next week before the big dumpy. Source: my parents basement


t1_jdk0e04 wrote

I’m bullish just because U put ur time into posting this


t1_jdk0u57 wrote

I'm bullish until September. Recession will set in as employment increases to a point not sustainable with the inflation and interest rates My 2¢


t1_jdk19xj wrote

Balance sheet go up. Money goes to banks. Banks do fractional reserve. Money multiplies and gets lent out. Money exchanges hands and money goes up more. It’s exponential my friend.


t1_jdk1xxj wrote

The year just started so plenty of time for Janet Yellen to successfully pressure JPowell to cut rates to pump the markets, this is an optimal scenario.


t1_jdk3ezj wrote

Gov won't let the market crash so close to Biden's reelection campaign